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You're too old to gig if...

……you don’t forget the cushion for your seat (since you no longer stand and play more than one hour, even with your Red Wing boots).

…..you need sheet music not to read, but to remember the songs.

….your cool hat is not to shade the sun, but to cover the grey.

…..you seriously consider switching to norteno so you can remove the basses.

….you post your video on YouTube because you think tik tok is a clock.
you just might be a redneck accordion player if you
refuse to wear that ridiculous

a: lederhosen
b: Gondolier hat and shirt
c: other ethnic peasant costume

this fit's under too old if you extend it to
"too old and ornery"
you just might be a redneck accordion player if you
refuse to wear that ridiculous

a: lederhosen
b: Gondolier hat and shirt
c: other ethnic peasant costume

this fit's under too old if you extend it to
"too old and ornery"
Not sure if that red maga hat is considered ethnic or peasant…..

From that list I score 4 points!
  • You prefer a music stand with a light.
  • Instead of adding another member, your band wants to hire a roadie.
  • You refuse to play without wearing earplugs.
  • You buy amps because of their weight, not their tone or cool factor.