Hello everyone,
I am 47 and I have been learning by myself music and cba for a few years.
I have 2 CBA with 5 rows, and practise 30 minutes almost every day .
I tried the movable do for ear training, so I am use to the degrees and the "role" of a note in a scale, I know all my chords, arpeggio and scales (LH and RH) ....but only in C/A !
I can read music and understand the role of the notes and chords only in C/A.
Of course I can tell the name of the notes in other keys, but then I absolutely do not understand what I am reading.
My process when I learn a knew piece is:
- get it from Musescore
- transpose it via Musescore in C/A
- print it
- learn it and play it in C/A on the accordion using only the first 3 rows
- play it in its original key (or not) on the accordion using the 3 rows concerned
I am sure many will find this strange, or stupid but what I initially wanted was to avoid learning to read in all keys, using the special aspect of our instrument that allows to play in all keys , using the same path just by changing the first note.
At first it was okay, but the more I play and the more I am into "classical" music.
It is fastidious, I can only do it with what is available on Musescore and of course, if there are different keys in the piece, all this becomes difficult.
What do you think of it ?
Is there a way to avoid music reading in all keys when using a CBA?
If not, do you have advice for a way, or a method or a book to learn reading using the specificity of our instrument and keeping the benefits of my understanding of C/A
I am 47 and I have been learning by myself music and cba for a few years.
I have 2 CBA with 5 rows, and practise 30 minutes almost every day .
I tried the movable do for ear training, so I am use to the degrees and the "role" of a note in a scale, I know all my chords, arpeggio and scales (LH and RH) ....but only in C/A !
I can read music and understand the role of the notes and chords only in C/A.
Of course I can tell the name of the notes in other keys, but then I absolutely do not understand what I am reading.
My process when I learn a knew piece is:
- get it from Musescore
- transpose it via Musescore in C/A
- print it
- learn it and play it in C/A on the accordion using only the first 3 rows
- play it in its original key (or not) on the accordion using the 3 rows concerned
I am sure many will find this strange, or stupid but what I initially wanted was to avoid learning to read in all keys, using the special aspect of our instrument that allows to play in all keys , using the same path just by changing the first note.
At first it was okay, but the more I play and the more I am into "classical" music.
It is fastidious, I can only do it with what is available on Musescore and of course, if there are different keys in the piece, all this becomes difficult.
What do you think of it ?
Is there a way to avoid music reading in all keys when using a CBA?
If not, do you have advice for a way, or a method or a book to learn reading using the specificity of our instrument and keeping the benefits of my understanding of C/A