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Hohner Atlantic IV Deluxe Slide Registers: Treble registers do not engage fully.

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Hopper Ron

Oct 4, 2021
Reaction score
Cedar Falls, Iowa USA
This accordion has an aluminum body. I've removed the treble reed blocks and have noted that several slides do not open and close completely. Is there a way to adjust the slides so they can work properly? I'm new to forums like this, so I hope I'm presenting this topic OK. Hopper Ron.
This accordion has an aluminum body. I've removed the treble reed blocks and have noted that several slides do not open and close completely. Is there a way to adjust the slides so they can work properly? I'm new to forums like this, so I hope I'm presenting this topic OK. Hopper Ron.
I believe the slides should be accessible from the inside. When you remove the reed blocks there should be screws that let you remove a panel to access the slides. Careful that you keep the slides in the right order! Most often when the slides are a bit stiff or don't open fully it's just a matter of dirt. So try cleaning (blowing out dust) before you have a go at disassembly.
You should also first take off the register mechanism by the keyboard so you can check whether the part that doesn't go smoothly is the part with the switches or is really the slides on the inside.
Every accordion is a bit different, but you have to consider: to get the slides inside the accordion during production the aluminium plate on one side of the slides has to be put on after the slides were put in place, and that plate has to come off. It's a matter of finding which of the two it is. (Pictures might help.) I used to play an Atlantic IV N but that was decades ago...
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