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accordion brand rankings

hello Debra

from what i remember (it is convoluted) Giulietti had a special arrangement
with the ORIGINAL Zero-Sette company
(similar to how Montgomery Ward held a special right to the use of and image of
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer) in perpetuity, for the life of the original company,
in specially designated market areas worldwide and/or advertising

when Monty Ward finally filed bankruptcy, even though their name resurfaced
some years later, they no longer held a right to Rudolph

when Zero-Sette lost it's factory but before they totally disappeared sort of
at the last moment (but not in bankruptcy court, as the SEM name had been taken)
Bugari stepped in as a "Friend" - but the original entity of Zero lost it's special
rights arrangement to Guilietti (and Fausto went into retirement)

there was also a brief period when Petosa was scrambling to find a new source, and
this contract was likely a deciding factor for Bugari's kindness)

the remaining Giulietti Family in the USA resisted for a long time any future
licensing of their name, so it did pass for a time completely out of existence

then a limited "right" was sold to/arranged with Petosa and a few models
were whipped together, but it appears the breadth of Petosa's marketing was
somewhat overloaded with top-dollar items and the Giulietti name seems to
have regressed to whomever die-hard buyers may want that nameplate on
their new accordion regardless of reality

i think the key thing to remember here is that Zero made bajillions of private
label accordions shipped to America
(they never really marketed their own brand name here)
and the thing that set these 1000's of clone/brands apart was the FINISHING
they received by the various American shops/pseudo factories

most of the Castiglione private label were Zero's, DaVinci, countless small
accordion schools, etc.

Petosa wins their right to brag from their seemingly infinite patience and ability
to finesse the key-action and the tuning and a few special exclusives they
contract for (like material used for the tone chambers)

Giulietti won their right to brag primarily because they had built a huge
reedmaking facility in their factory and even the models that used
Italian reeds were fitted and finished with those reeds here in America,
and they also had a few physical engineering exclusives from company
held designs and patents and contracts implemented by Zero exclusively for G models
(similar to Titano's exclusive design, patent and contract arrangements with Victoria)

it is possible that you, in Europe, have only seen Gulietti's built for
the Euro Market by Zero, and so have never worked on actual Guilietti reeds,
but this is really what sets their classic vintage top end accordions apart
and makes certain models truly desirable

many American reedsmiths learned their trade from Guiletti, and you can
find echo's of their skills hidden in some Universal and other brands of
american accordion houses

even after the second world war, there was a lot of reedmaking being
done here in the States, which was quickly won over by lower wages in Italy
in the 1940/50's and lasted until the Italian baby boomer generation, looking
to the big cities of Europe and modern jobs, kind of killed the reedmaking
industry in Italy for a time (which precipitated all the new ways
to market reeds that are not hand-made, but make you think they are,
as for a few decades there simply were not enough honest to god reedmakers
to go around)

oh, this has been long-winded after all... your experience may shed
a different perspective on this timeline, but from this side is as i remember it

and i do still have my one, original, vintage, Montgomery Ward
Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer Shopping Bag which i would
not trade for a brand new Sleigh !


Ventura, this is wonderful, thank you for so much inside information about and the cross pollination going on over the decades. One thing I noticed that you briefly mentioned Da Vinci. My father, Milton Mann, sold Da Vinci accordions. and what I remember was some were made by Guerini, and some by Sonola others by Excellsior. My father's favorite was Guerini, I travelled to Castel fridardo with my Dad when I was a young teen, and we visited the Guerini factory and were hosted at their home for a wonderful dinner. Grandma made homemade pasta, and it was a beautiful time. I have a few of Da Vinici's and they are beautiful instruments. I don't remember my dad saying the name of Zero Setti (is that the name). Anyway,. thank you so much and I"d love to learn more. Brian Mann
What is the point of a US News style ordered ranking? All one needs is basic intel on who is credible versus sketchy in terms of quality. Beyond that it's about what is the best match for the individual. Not to mention, school or consumer rankings rank for current use. While people often buy vintage instruments.
oh that is nice to hear a bit more of the sourcing of the DaVinci
brand.. the last one i had i swapped to Jeski for a 911 MIDIvox
he no longer needed (and i wanted as a spare)

what a lovely memory of the Guerrini Family, who really were
the most hospitable old style accordion family, and as you found,
the "factory" was simply an extension of their home, their house..
the building and understanding of Accordions was simply
their way of life, everyday life..

i too have some fond memories of sitting in their parlor,
playing one of the "pre-ww2" style models they still
occasionally build just because they can, and sipping
some Wine with the family..

though they closed their doors as a manufacturer,
i have no doubt there are still wonderful and amazing
experiences to be had with the Guerrini Family should
one manage an invitation, and those front gates open
when you ritorno a' Castlefidardo
There are top models indeed, like the Hohner Gola and Scandalli Super VI. But there is a world of difference between a Gola from the 1960's and a Gola from around 2000. (And I have worked on both.) And there is a world of difference between a Scandalli Super VI from the 1960's and a Super VI from around 2000. A friend of mine has a Super VI from the 1960's and has experienced that a repairer tried (and failed) to convince her that the reeds needed to be replaced (which just means the repairer wanted to steal the old high quality reeds that are no longer being made). And I have just finished work on a Super VI XL from about 20 years ago and it is clearly no longer the absolute top quality accordion the Super VI was in the 1960's. It's not bad, but for instance the leather valves (treble side) inside the reed blocks do not have booster springs, which is a disaster for the ones in cassotto. Nobody who makes a top accordion would leave out the booster springs inside the reed blocks. It's a cost-cutting measure unworthy of an accordion that is labeled Scandalli Super VI.
It is very unfortunate that way too many accordion dealers with supposedly good reputations hire nothing less than butchers to do repairs. There are no official degrees or licenses to become an accordion repairer: everyone can start an accordion repair business and start butchering accordions. And as most accordion players by far are amateurs who do not look inside their accordion and who are happy with repairs and tuning they will give good ratings to repairers and spread the word how happy they are with the work, even though when experts look inside the accordions they find out that for instance the reeds have been butchered using a Dremel. I have friends who do accordion repair as well (and for much longer than I do it) and they can confirm that even high end accordions come in that show clear signs of having been butchered, by the repairers of supposedly reputable dealers.
Sorry, but I do know that a Hohner Gola from 1960 was a top accordion when it was new. But whether a specific Hohner Gola from 1960 is still a top accordion really requires close inspection inside and out. Too many of them have indeed been butchered. On this forum JerryPH traveled from Canada to Germany to buy a 1960's Gola and take it back to Canada. You cannot trust that any old Gola is still in tip top shape and worth the money and have it shipped to you. You have to go see it and try it. That's how it is.
And there are top models of today as well, with some properties that cannot be matched by the top accordions from yesteryear. When you try a Pigini Nova for instance it you will find out that it is lighter to the touch than any accordion from 60 to 70 years ago. The same holds for the top instruments of other brands as well.
What I own and play? I play mostly the Pigini C39 bass accordion as I like the bass accordion a lot and play it in 5 different ensembles. It may not be the best bass accordion but it is currently the only 3 voice bass accordion with registers that's still in production. (Before that I had a Bugari bass accordion, and quality-wise the Bugari was better, but it was only 2 voice without registers.) For regular accordions I play mostly my AKKO bayan (model "super de luxe") and occasionally my Hohner (morino) Artiste X S, a Bugari 508/ARS/C and a Bugari 540/ARS/C. These accordions are all used in the recordings on my YouTube channel. All of these are really good accordions, but none of them are absolute top accordions. I am not a good-enough player to feel worthy of playing the absolute top (even though I could afford a top instrument, or even a few if I wanted). I feel privileged to sometimes get a chance to handle a top accordion and be allowed to do repairs and tuning on it. I may not be the best and certainly not the most experienced accordion repairer, but I have yet to meet any other accordion repairer who tunes better (more accurately) than I do.
Funny how this pointless thread has reached 5 pages. I skipped most of them to get to the important stuff- my own opinion :-)

3 "pro" accordions I've spent time on (would that they had made me a pro).

Petosa AM1100 - solid, heavy, bulky - almost felt overbuilt. Great attention to detail. Very capable and versatile. This is to accordions what the Bach Stradivarius is to trumpets. Beautiful but not characterful. Nice bass mechanism and tone, blends well - I appreciated the neutrality of sound there because I don't like a prominent bass. Played by many great artists, but not missed by me.

Excelsior 940 - a truly mellow fellow. Great ergonomics for me. Feels lighter than it actually is. Fast keyboard, sleek build. In the end too mellow for me, could not get a brash note out of it. Miss it though, it was a golden ager, wood, wax and leather pallets, much nicer than aluminum.

Titano Cosmopolitan - wasn't my fave in terms of sound and handling at first, but grew on me. Very responsive, can be played quietly, but that takes more effort, more care, than playing it loud - huge dynamic range. Over-chromed some might say, but beautiful on the inside - the reedblocks, body, and bass mechanism are beautiful. One of the few accordions that still looks good without the grill on it.

So here's my contribution to this very important, conclusive ranking list: Petosa, Excelsior and Titano in a three way
tie for ? place. But even more importantly, Titano Cosmopolitan, first place in my heart.
Funny how this pointless thread has reached 5 pages. I skipped most of them to get to the important stuff- my own opinion :-)

3 "pro" accordions I've spent time on (would that they had made me a pro).

Petosa AM1100 - solid, heavy, bulky - almost felt overbuilt. Great attention to detail. Very capable and versatile. This is to accordions what the Bach Stradivarius is to trumpets. Beautiful but not characterful. Nice bass mechanism and tone, blends well - I appreciated the neutrality of sound there because I don't like a prominent bass. Played by many great artists, but not missed by me.

Excelsior 940 - a truly mellow fellow. Great ergonomics for me. Feels lighter than it actually is. Fast keyboard, sleek build. In the end too mellow for me, could not get a brash note out of it. Miss it though, it was a golden ager, wood, wax and leather pallets, much nicer than aluminum.

Titano Cosmopolitan - wasn't my fave in terms of sound and handling at first, but grew on me. Very responsive, can be played quietly, but that takes more effort, more care, than playing it loud - huge dynamic range. Over-chromed some might say, but beautiful on the inside - the reedblocks, body, and bass mechanism are beautiful. One of the few accordions that still looks good without the grill on it.

So here's my contribution to this very important, conclusive ranking list: Petosa, Excelsior and Titano in a three way
tie for ? place. But even more importantly, Titano Cosmopolitan, first place in my heart.
When was each of your 3 accordions made and what brand of reeds were in them?
I do sometimes get asked a similar question: which brand is best, which next, etc...
First of all, when you are looking for a good new accordion the exact model is extremely important. You cannot really compare the experience of driving a Volkswagen Lupo with a Passat, or Skoda Fabia with a Superb, or a Toyota Aygo with a Prius... The same holds for accordions: you can buy a full size accordion from the same brand for about 4.000 euro and one for 25.000 euro. Trust me, the quality and playing experience will be very different.

The best experience I have had (playing, repairing and tuning) is generally with Bugari. The Bugari company is not the most innovative, but that results in proven designs that simply work flawlessly. The Bugari factory also does Zero Sette, Giulietti (if that brand is still produced, I thought not) and Petosa. Producing large numbers of well-designed and solid accordions really pays off in terms of obtaining a good reputation for making consistently the same good quality instruments.

Pigini makes good accordions and not so good, under several different brand names, including Excelsior (used to be a very good independent company until up to about 2.000), Dise, Gibelle, Titano and maybe others. I have not found the workmanship to be quite as good as Bugari but it will certainly be acceptable for most. Of course the very expensive accordions they make (especially the Nova) will be outstanding, but that's not what most people will be buying.

I have worked on a few recent Scandalli accordions. They are very well made, and nowadays also very "standard", very similar in design to Bugari. Reliable and with good sound. (I have not worked on their smaller, lower end models, so I cannot comment on those.) Production has moved over the decades and was combined with other brands. I'm not sure what brands come out of the same factory as Scandalli today.

Beltuna is a very innovative company, turning out expensive excellent instruments, but with the drawback that comes with "cutting edge"... they might try something that in the end turns out not to be such a great idea. The future will tell... But accordions like their Leader IV and V are absolutely outstanding! They recently introduced electromechanics to replace the complex bass mechanism with solenoids. An interesting innovation that may (or may not) in the end revolutionize accordion construction.

Victoria used to be very busy as they made Titano, but now they just make Victoria. They are very committed and hard working, but they are a smaller outfit, not churning out series of identical well-made and consistent accordions. Being smaller has advantages (like being flexible in accommodating special requests) and disadvantages (like having less predictable lead times). Victoria runs the Accordion Craft Academy and what I learned there was very valuable!

Many great accordion makers from the past no longer exist: Hohner (except for a few Gola's made in a small workshop in Germany, so I heard), Excelsior (gobbled up by Pigini), Borsini (closed down), Fantini (not so great, but also closed down), and some names may have been bought by others so if you see a new Paolo Soprani or Crucianelli for instance, someone here may know who makes it, but they ceased to be real independent factories decades ago...

Weltmeister... I don't know how good their new accordions are. The someone less new (but still post-iron-curtain time) ones I have seen were absolute garbage. But I have not seen the insides of a new Supita for instance, so I cannot comment.

Hohner used to be a famous accordion factory (in Trossingen, Germany). From everything I have seen coming out of Hohner I deduced that there "secret motto" has always been: produce as cheaply as possible and sell for as much as possible. There are great Hohner accordions out there, but all older. The Morino (N and S) made by Excelsior was good quality, but kept below the Gola for economic reasons, using for instance only tipo-a mano reeds, reserving a mano for the Gola. The lower end models were not bad, the Verdi series was actually pretty good. The "metalbau" (Atlantic and others) was a typical example of cheap production, called special, and then sold for a lot of money... New lower-end models are now thrown together in a Chinese factory using Chinese components. Higher end models are made in Italy by Pigini and/or other companies (it has varied over the past two decades)... They are no longer an accordion maker (except maybe for the odd Gola coming out of Trossingen). I never recommend Hohner: why would you pay extra for a name when you can buy the same quality for less, with the name of the real manufacturer on it (or another brand name used by that manufacturer)...

There are many other brands to consider that are made in not the largest factories, but made with dedication. Think of Serenellini, Mengascini, and many more "...ini" companies. Both the accordions made by the big names and the small names are made using mostly standard components (thousands of them in each accordion). What you are buying that is "special" when choosing a certain brand is 1) the maker of the case and the reed blocks (thus, essentially all the woodworking) and 2) the skill, workmanship and dedication that goes into building the accordion. Choose wisely, and consider the "sound" you are after. It is amazing how different accordions sound despite being made out of the same standard components!
What about Diamond brand Accordion?
i believe that was Mr. Arralde's "house" brand at his
Seattle accordion repair shop, and he was successful
competing with Petosa and Spano, so they had to be good

anything he touched or handled is a safe bet.. had the
reputation as the best tuner best ear on the West Coast
for accordion

in your area you have a good chance to run into an old
Tonaveri too.. that was the pro-line at Spano
i believe that was Mr. Arralde's "house" brand at his
Seattle accordion repair shop, and he was successful
competing with Petosa and Spano, so they had to be good

anything he touched or handled is a safe bet.. had the
reputation as the best tuner best ear on the West Coast
for accordion

in your area you have a good chance to run into an old
Tonaveri too.. that was the pro-line at Spano
I have gotten the impression that Diamond was made by Mobidoni. I thought maybe Tonaveri was too, but if Spano, that's a company I'm not familiar with.