Newbie hoping that some of the forum's tuning cognoscenti might please offer some guidance for custom tuning specs for the M+ and M- of an upcoming purchase of a PA, 41/120 with double chamber. I'm coming from converter bayan which has of course been lacking for wetness in"folkier" genres. My concept for the new instrument is that it have in the chamber [Lc] + a 4-cent "swing" [Mc+] and outside [M' 440] + [M-]. The intent is to have a mild tremolo with the [M + Mc+] along the lines of a Castagnari/Saltarelle swing for a version of "Irish" and with which chords wouldn't sound overly busy but at the same time fuller than the inherently thin single M. The M- value is my biggest sticking point. Although I don't foresee much utility for a register of just [M + M-], I'm looking for the triple-M sound to be more "French" than my modest [M + Mc+] but still civil. If my understanding is correct, an M- of equal offset to that of the M+ would mollify rather than accentuate the musette character. On the other hand, if the non-440, non chambered M were instead to have a higher positive offset than the +4 cent of the Mc, then the perceived average pitch would also increase higher than the 441 associated with the [ M + M+4cent ] register. How much to offset that 2nd M? Any help finding sound samples with corresponding tuning tables for MMM? Thanks!