The Bailie accordion was definitely around in the 70's, by which time there were already a few in the second hand market, looking as if they possibly dated from the 1960s

I looked some 4-voiced models over, with an intention to maybe buy one.
I remember being quite impressed with the attention to finish, including all interior surfaces, to a high standard of polish (some reputable Italian makes at the time being relatively rough, bare wood).
The sound was quite acceptable to my untutored ears.
In the end, I didn't buy one and later was deterred from Chinese makers by a DBA builder/accordion repairer because he claimed they were difficult to service, not sure exactly what the issue was

(To be fair, he also advised against German made instruments, for the same reason

When I raised this point with our "number one" repairman, I was given to understand that nothing, not even a German instrument was problematic for a master technician.
However, I did notice he was selling both kinds in his shop.

I see Bailies are still in the second -hand market at lowish asking prices.
I have no personal experience of any alleged issues but admit to a, probably entirely unfair, lingering distrust of both Chinese and German makes
