My pretty red FR-1xb finally arrived on Thursday. How disappointing that I can't get even a few basic tones out of it. I've read the whole manual and watched any seemingly relevant videos I can find, but it seems hopeless. I understand why the bellows would be stiff (it’s straight from the factory), but it shouldn’t be impossible to play three or four notes of a scale because you have to push so hard while holding down a key or two. It is impossible to even attempt a scale--I'd need a third arm or something.
I’ve posed questions online to a Roland tech, who said to adjust the bellows resistance regulator. But it's turned fully counterclockwise, which is supposed to be the setting for the lightest inertia. Also the tech said to try a factory reset. I did and it changed nothing. I also followed instructions in the manual to recalibrate the bellows sensors--to no avail.
I’m wondering if the bellows leak because it is nearly impossible to produce musical tones. With the volume nob turned all the way up, what little sound I do manage to get (medium-low at most) is drowned out by very noisy bellows. When the air button is not being pressed, and no keys are being pressed, shouldn’t it be next to impossible to discharge air? That isn’t the case.
The latest response from the Roland tech was that I should, “Please be aware, the bellows compression or resistance will be much stiffer than acoustic accordions,” which the tech says many accordionists find as a benefit. But something must be wrong--I can’t play three notes in a row. I played a diatonic button box for a number of years so I think I'd know if there wasn't something abnormal going on. And I'm 150 miles away from any such type of repair shop.
Anyone out there have a similar experience? What am I missing?
I’ve posed questions online to a Roland tech, who said to adjust the bellows resistance regulator. But it's turned fully counterclockwise, which is supposed to be the setting for the lightest inertia. Also the tech said to try a factory reset. I did and it changed nothing. I also followed instructions in the manual to recalibrate the bellows sensors--to no avail.
I’m wondering if the bellows leak because it is nearly impossible to produce musical tones. With the volume nob turned all the way up, what little sound I do manage to get (medium-low at most) is drowned out by very noisy bellows. When the air button is not being pressed, and no keys are being pressed, shouldn’t it be next to impossible to discharge air? That isn’t the case.
The latest response from the Roland tech was that I should, “Please be aware, the bellows compression or resistance will be much stiffer than acoustic accordions,” which the tech says many accordionists find as a benefit. But something must be wrong--I can’t play three notes in a row. I played a diatonic button box for a number of years so I think I'd know if there wasn't something abnormal going on. And I'm 150 miles away from any such type of repair shop.
Anyone out there have a similar experience? What am I missing?