I'm confused. Marco Cinaglia a FORMER employee of Roland is the one that dreamed up and basically gets credit for the set up of many business partnerships for the creation of the EVO. One was the partnership between EVO and Roland to license a (partial) use of their electronics and the other between EVO and Bugari for use of their name and likely other parts like keyboard, bellows, etc. I have no idea where the assembly line for the EVO was... it wasn't at Bugari and it wasn't at Roland... it likely was somewhere in Italy, though.
He publicly stated on his Facebook page that due to financial reasons he is closing down the EVO line, and that the EVO line shared the Bugari name, but little else, as they were used for certain aspects like the keyboards, bellows and what not (I'm paraphrasing his words at the time, not mine).
He them moved on to create his new company that currently supplies vaporware for the time being.
So, something else had to have happened in the background between Evo, Roland and Bugari since Marco is not represented as being an employee of EVO, Roland *or* Bugari or posting anything about any of these companies for a long while on his pages.
Speculation time, but I think it *may* be safe to assume that that Bugari in some form "bought him out" to keep the EVO product and name, and now thanks to Roland's move to the China assembly line, they can continue to make/sell that product.
If all my ramblings are even close to being true, that would put a smile on my face because that would mean some kind of support line for parts and a continuation of the products, at least for some more time... or maybe, in a perfect world would entice Roland to work on a 9X, but I'm not holding my breath on that last point.