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Castelfi Museum Virtual Tour


Been here for ages!
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May 1, 2013
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Speaking of Castelfidardo, the Accordion Museum there now has a 360’ virtual tour area. You can “walk around” the museum and get info on select accordions, including sound samples. There are also a bunch of video links that appear, giving an interesting historical perspective. It’s in Italian, but all of the music is in English, so you can get it. ☺️

The main museum page can be set to English:

Also of note, the “Commune” of Castelfidardo has an interesting blog site with frequent updates, some about accordions, others general interest about the city, including the Jazz Festival coming up later this month (March 2024).

So, whether you are planning a group or private tour, or just want to virtually visit, or brush up on your Italian, I hope you enjoy!!!

Just sayin’

Ciao grazie a presto.
As some know from previous threads, years ago spent many days at the museum and at the Excelsior factory as well as with Pigini when they bought the company. Hope you saw the world's largest accordion while there.. even had a chance to play a few notes! Visited many other manufacturers as well and attended one of the international competitions including highly experienced accordionists... Bit of trivia-- winner at that competition was under 12 and under their rules, was unqualified to be so declared!!. One can imagine the uproar that evening but all was settled peacefully!! Of course!
For those who are into accordion history, a visit to the cemetery will be of interest with many well-known names resting there. Hope you were able to pick up 1 of the history books while at the museum. In time, I'll be sharing some interesting information especially about the over 400 - yes 400! - makes, dates and names of accordions manufactured in that area,, Thanks for the brief nostalgiaville visit.