Hi, very new on here. We have a Musettina Accordion that looks and sounds beautiful and is in pretty excellent condition according to moi. I know nothing about accordions. We've had it atleast 30 years and it was given to us by an old lady from Austria several years after her husband died. It means a lot to us but at the same time (this sound terrible) if its very valuable we would be tempted to sell it. 1) we are desperate for money right now as we have ongoing medical expenses and 2) it's genuinely always seemed sad that something so beautiful just sits in a box in a wardrobe. It has lots of gems encrusted into it and isn't a piano keyboard instead has what looks like mother of pearl and black circle buttons but could be plastic for all I know. There are 5 buttons with musset, clarin, master, banoon and bassoon written on them and engraved neatly is the following Acc.Dev.Centre ??? Fascinating to find out anything about this or these type if anyone can help or point me in the right direction. many thanks, Kelly