For me “improvising” is thinking of something I want to play then try to play it, with variations, experimenting with arpeggios, harmonies, dynamics, in different key signatures, various rhythms and such - I seldom play the same thing twice the same way. If playing with others in front an audience I generally write chords and maybe some other hints with the words of the song with chords to keep me on track. At home, this is the type of music “score” in front of me, just the names and maybe a key to start in:
My goal is to get to where I can do that on the accordion.
This works well for me at the piano but the accordion is presenting a real challenge in the bass! On the piano I can almost always hit what I’m imagining but the stradella bass provides, shall I say, an overwhelming opportunity for advancement.

Never a chance to get bored. Lots of opportunity to work through frustrations. But at least the snail of understanding has not found a reverse gear.
But just yesterday I encountered a huge setback: while working on my excavator after dark I tripped (my middle name is Stupid) and landed hard on my head then on my left shoulder. I thought I dislocated the shoulder but the ER said the xrays showed a tear that will probably need surgery and take months to heal.

So it’s back to the right hand for me, assuming I can even operate the bellows a little. And the harmonica and maybe the trumpet. And brush up on music theory. (I took two books with me to Costa Rica last week - one SciFi novel and one on music theory.)