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Has anyone here used this book?

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Prolific poster
Aug 30, 2013
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Hi everyone. I am disappointed with my present stage of bellows shaking abilities. Therefore, I have undertaken to learn this book:
It is not for the faint of heart. Has anyone else studied this?
Do you have an experienced instructor to use the book with you? I have not used that book, and my bellows shaking skills are pitiful. But I think it would be very difficult to learn how to do it solely from a book with no teacher to model it for you. I think you would really need a knowledgeable person to interact with you as you are learning it…that is, I know that I would.
I do
Do you have an experienced instructor to use the book with you? I have not used that book, and my bellows shaking skills are pitiful. But I think it would be very difficult to learn how to do it solely from a book with no teacher to model it for you. I think you would really need a knowledgeable person to interact with you as you are learning it…that is, I know that I would.
I recently visited Emilio Magnotta. One of the things I wanted to learn was the method of Bellows Shake that is used in a lot of Frosini music. He is a master of that method. He suggested that I study this book. I also study intermittently with Eddie Monteiro. He is more of a jazz player, but he is still a virtuoso of the accordion. He also studied under Mr. Nunzio in his youth. I use a lot of his sheet music to which Mr. Nunzio added many notations.
I think I have the self-discipline to pick it up. One of the things Mr. Nunzio taught me was HOW to practice. That, in itself, is an art.
bellow shake is done differently now than in the past. the technique is different.
a wrist cloth is an advantage.
pm me if u want more info.
bellow shake is done differently now than in the past. the technique is different.
a wrist cloth is an advantage.
pm me if u want more info.
Having watched very many and varied youtube postings (my only connection with actual performers) very closely I can only observe that there are as many ways of achieving 'bellows shake' as there are reasons for doing it.
Perhaps initially learning a particular method is helpful, the application to the musical performancce seems to be on an 'as required' basis.
There is nothing absolute in music.
Seems like the bellows shake has been slowly creeping into my left hand lately of its own volition. Weird how that happens. Seems like the most important thing is to keep it heavily in time.
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