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Horch accordion

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Farmer T

Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Just found a Horch accordion on kijiji Alberta, Canada. Have not found a lot of information on it yet, can anyone shed some light on where this accordion fits in? I understand it was made in Germany, but that's about it . What quality might it be and when where they produced etc.? What does it measure up to in the Hohner line? Just curious as this is the first one I have seen.
No takers? I'm afraid I can't add much to searchable info. I believe they were produced into the 60s. They have their fans (usually sellers, so...) and the Superior is quite a good looking 4 voice blingy looking box in a traditional style. They don't get discussed much (not at all, on here?) and I admit to not having handled one, so hard for me to say.
Best advice I can offer is probably what you've already done.. have a listen/look on YouTube.
Good luck.

No takers is right?, but that's alright. I was just curious as I have never seen or heard of one until this one came up on kijiji. All I can find out is they where made in Klingenthal Germany, by Karl Willy Adler. For what its worth, the info I could find on them "claim" them to be of very high quality construction and considered to be one of the best German accordions ever made. Would cause me to wonder what happened if they are that good, why they are seldom heard of and why there is not more of them in use? (and maybe there is, just not in my part of the world?) I found a demonstration of them on you tube under "Akkordeon Horst Exquisit and Exquisit 2 and 3". They look to have a lot of the same construction designs as Hohner Atlantic IV that I am trying to revive. Unfortunately the one I found is a 6 hour drive away to even look at it and priced rather high, unless it is something really special.
Horch was made in east germany - kilngenthal, same place where Royal Standard, Barcarole, Firotti and Weltmeister were made. Horch was quite rare in estonia also, but we had quite many Weltmeister's, Firotis and Royal Standard's, I have seen some Barcaroles. These were available because east germany and ussr were "friends". Horch looks nice but I suspect that Weltmeister Supita, Weltmeister S4 or S5 and Royal Standard Selecta are only models from that era what actually are worth repairing and restoring prices in other world are quite high but quite cheap in estonia 200-500€. These were flagship models. I had Royal Standard Romance which was lower end model and cost me 200€ but when I wanted it to be retuned repairman told me that retuning costs 500€ and it wasn't worth it, some time later I sold it as is.
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