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How to practice and work on specific songs

It is interesting to see that several of you mention the "why" as a key point, and it has made me think.

What I aim for is to play a song without having to do the thinking part. Just like driving a car, I want my body to play it automatically, so that I can shift my focus from "hitting the right notes", to conveying them in the way I want to.
That only happens not after you have learned the piece, but MEMORIZED it, and that is another process altogether. "auto-pilot" a song that you have not learned to play without mistakes and not taken the time to memorize means playing that piece with more mistakes... and that's a slippery slope. :)
I'm curious since it hasn't come up yet -- at what point in learning a song are folks thinking about dynamics, articulation, and bellows direction?
For me I am passively aware of the markings at the beginnings. Bellows direction is natural for me and I practically never think about it unless it is the first couple of times I play a phrase. Dynamics? After I've reached about 80% of the progress of a song.

Articulation? Never crosses my mind, that is more or less automatic. I never play a song exactly the same way twice, there are always minor differences after I've learned the basics of the song and can play it without much effort or thought.