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Options for silent practice?

To practice silently I found a little accordion on ebay and then I had Roy Whiteley at https://www.accordionmagic.com/ transform it to midi, that was 5 years and it's still my silent practice accordion today.
I was thinking of doing the same. I messaged Roy yesterday but haven’t heard back from him yet.
Well hopefully I am now sorted - I have bought (for a reasonable price) a secondhand FR1-X which should be arriving next week so fingers crossed it works as it should.
Best wishes for you, Knobby.

I hope things get better for you soon and keep playing!

PS: isn't the idea of bellows on a digital accordion funny?
Well hopefully I am now sorted - I have bought (for a reasonable price) a secondhand FR1-X which should be arriving next week so fingers crossed it works as it should.
Great News ........I'm sure it will all work out well for you .