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I am looking for a price list of accordion reeds

Nov 27, 2021
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Does anyone have an up-to-date price list for accordion reeds? I'm interested in Voci Armoniche or Binci unless someone knows other brands that are equally good. If not a price list, maybe someone knows the prices.

Thank you for your help
Afaik there is no such thing. While the rest of the world has discovered the importance of having a price list, the accordion manufacturers still rely on a combination of alignment of stars, a fortune-telling 8-ball and complex algebra to come up with a price for every possible combination of reeds. And every quote has to be requested individually with questionable chances of ever getting a response.

If you are looking to buy < 10 sets at a time, try Carini (they are a retailer, not manufacturer) - I think they are the only ones who understand the concept of customer service. But, unfortunately, haven't discovered price lists yet🫣.
Afaik there is no such thing. While the rest of the world has discovered the importance of having a price list, the accordion manufacturers still rely on a combination of alignment of stars, a fortune-telling 8-ball and complex algebra to come up with a price for every possible combination of reeds. And every quote has to be requested individually with questionable chances of ever getting a response.

If you are looking to buy < 10 sets at a time, try Carini (they are a retailer, not manufacturer) - I think they are the only ones who understand the concept of customer service. But, unfortunately, haven't discovered price lists yet🫣.
Tcabot,s is an accurate reflection on the “absurdity”of buying Italian accordion reeds.

If one manages to get a quote ,one can't then get a timeline
we have abandoned that option.
Charlie would have a replacement reed or two, but afaik he does not by default stock multiple sets, TAM or AM or anything custom (e.g. for diatonics). Perhaps, he might have some B/C/C# or single row diatonic sets in machine riveted quality, but not necessarily for an LMMMH.
Carini were actually good at coming back to me about their "standard" pre-packaged sets, hence my recommendation earlier.
On the other hand , I think their catalogue was a nightmare, and I had to register on a form in italian, before they would reply to me.
Yes, their website looks like the developer gave up half way through building it
Yes, their website looks like the developer gave up half way through building it
Hi tcabot perhaps it's worth trying again,we both registered and as they are for project boxes we really needed to know the sizing before we start 3D printing the reed blocks.
I know they are not italian, but harmonikas.cz do sell single sets, even single reeds to individuals, of any of their lines, usually respond and they keep their timeline.
I know they are not italian, but harmonikas.cz do sell single sets, even single reeds to individuals, of any of their lines, usually respond and they keep their timeline.
Hi nou we figured as they are project boxes, we would get some swanky handmade Italian reeds
we do have a few hohner sets ,so will see whats response we get(y)
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I had no response from harmonikas on several occasions. From what I've heard, I'm not the only one - it appears that they only bother responding when they have a quiet week/month or if they have the stuff already in stock and just need to ship it.
If that's their level of customer engagement for making a sale, I don't want to find out how badly they handle returns/refunds in case of a warranty claim...
@Plinky what's the benefit of registering - do you get to see the price list instead of requesting quotes via email?

To be honest, I think I've reached my squeezebox zen and there's not that many boxes that will get me really excited now. I don't think I'll be needing accordion parts any time soon.
This thread reminds me of a newbie back in October who wanted a complete set of reeds for a piano accordion. That person followed some of these same suggestions, with no success. At least he didn't report any. After a short time, the thread went silent.

One gets the impression that buying sets of accordion reeds can be difficult for the individual. Some have had success, but it seems hit or miss. I presume the large accordion manufacturers order wholesale quantities direct from the reed makers. However, there are also quite a few small businesses around the world that build various button boxes. They must all have sources for reeds. Are they big enough to order direct from the reed makers? Some might be willing to sell to individuals or help one find a source.
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@Plinky what's the benefit of registering - do you get to see the price list instead of requesting quotes via email?
I honestly don't know if there is any advantage or not?

I'm not a fan of modern living “take me back to the 70s”:)
But one advantage “usually” is the consummate ease one can buy everything,even with language barriers it's so easy to buy stuff from all over the world !
There is a marketing strategy that if one makes something difficult to buy, it adds perceived value?