I am considering buying a digital accordion, which I guess limits it to a Roland fr-1xb. My main question is if this is wise or not for me.
I have no accordion experience, expect for trying one for about 15 min during the summer. However, I am self thought at the piano (which is also digital), and feel like I can manage that at the level I want to, and I have a good music ear. I have little to no music theory knowledge though. Still, I have always liked the accordion, so when I got the chance I immediately enjoyed it. The bass side makes so much sense, and without no prior knowledge I was able to jump straight into a simple song just by pulling up a bass chart and playing chords.
If I had the option, I would much prefer a real accordion, but as I live in a small apartment, using one would be practically impossible. Due to life, my time to practice would also be mostly at late evenings. In addition to being able to practice and play in silence, I guess that being able to use different sounding accordions is also a plus with a Roland, even if the other sounds are not of much interest. The thing that worries me though is if I at a later stage would be able to transfer the skill practiced on a digital, and play an acoustic without it being a too difficult adjustment? As I understand it, it is particularly the air flow and bellows that differentiates, like pressing the buttons would have no impact on the air flow. I am not sure if this makes it hard to adjust between instruments or not?
While a digital is about 3 times more expensive than I would like even as a used, it seems like I have the choice of saving up for one of those, or postpone the whole instrument a few years and see if the living situation changes so that an acoustic is an option.
I mentioned playing the piano, and also that I want a button accordion. The reason for this is that the accordion I played was a PA, but the right hand felt awkward for me. I also like that I can reach wider more easily on a CBA, and that transposing is easier. So that is my reason for considering buttons.
So, any relevant input to guide me would be appreciated.