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Is a digital accordion a good choice?

I'll add one thing. My wife has heard me play the Roland for literally thousands of hours over the years. Whenever I used to take out my 960 to play it was only for 10 minutes a month and she was never around.

The first time she was around and I had it connected to my amp and played for an hour she came into our music room and said "wow, that sounds just incredible!"

Whether that's because it was different from what she was used to, or the sound of a higher-end acoustic is unmatched in comparison to any digital accordion, is anyone's guess.
V-e-r-y__I-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g. My wife says "wow" whenever I play my 8X, with beautiful Organ, Clarinet, Flute, Violin, etc; sounds -- especially on Hymns. She likes the accordion tone of my 960, but not as much as the sounds I can get out of my 8X
it is worth mentioning occasionally:

when we play our accordions, in our minds we know
the point, counterpoint, improv, jazz chords, etc. and
those elements are all in their own space

when fans hear us playing acoustic it just all sounds like accordion
and they often cannot tell what from which element as the tones
gives few clues so it is kinda jumbled into one thing of homogenous sound

MIDI and Digital accordions typically have separated the
elements with not only different tones, but completely
different instrument sound families, so it is easy for fans
to ALSO hear the varied parts of the songs in their brains,
and so understand and enjoy what we play more naturally

and of course mostly applies to general music, not ethnic specialization
or classical ensembles
To be fair to digital boxes, my wife said she much preferred me playing the Roland than my acoustics.

I used to play it straight into the headphones with the speaker switched off.
To be fair to digital boxes, my wife said she much preferred me playing the Roland than my acoustics.

I used to play it straight into the headphones with the speaker switched off.
Wow. I don't think I could play convincingly when my audience can hear me but I myself cannot.
It was the other way round. She didn't need to listen to me when I was playing the Roland. That's why she wasn't very happy when I sold it.
I am considering buying a digital accordion, which I guess limits it to a Roland fr-1xb. My main question is if this is wise or not for me.

I have no accordion experience, expect for trying one for about 15 min during the summer. However, I am self thought at the piano (which is also digital), and feel like I can manage that at the level I want to, and I have a good music ear. I have little to no music theory knowledge though. Still, I have always liked the accordion, so when I got the chance I immediately enjoyed it. The bass side makes so much sense, and without no prior knowledge I was able to jump straight into a simple song just by pulling up a bass chart and playing chords.

If I had the option, I would much prefer a real accordion, but as I live in a small apartment, using one would be practically impossible. Due to life, my time to practice would also be mostly at late evenings. In addition to being able to practice and play in silence, I guess that being able to use different sounding accordions is also a plus with a Roland, even if the other sounds are not of much interest. The thing that worries me though is if I at a later stage would be able to transfer the skill practiced on a digital, and play an acoustic without it being a too difficult adjustment? As I understand it, it is particularly the air flow and bellows that differentiates, like pressing the buttons would have no impact on the air flow. I am not sure if this makes it hard to adjust between instruments or not?

While a digital is about 3 times more expensive than I would like even as a used, it seems like I have the choice of saving up for one of those, or postpone the whole instrument a few years and see if the living situation changes so that an acoustic is an option.

I mentioned playing the piano, and also that I want a button accordion. The reason for this is that the accordion I played was a PA, but the right hand felt awkward for me. I also like that I can reach wider more easily on a CBA, and that transposing is easier. So that is my reason for considering buttons.

So, any relevant input to guide me would be appreciated.

I played piano and organ for over sixty years before taking up the accordion 11 years ago. The PA seemed the obvious choice at the time.

I subsequently learned to play the CBA as a Covid lockdown project and I haven't looked back... I wish I'd gone for buttons in the first place!

In your situation, if you fancy trying CBA the FR-1XB would seem to be a good choice.
my experience is a limited one compared to others here.
I been playing the Roland FR 1xb for about three months. It’s my first “accordion” and I share it with my wife, who started taking lessons with it via online teaching while I’ve taken the self teaching road.
Mind you we only have online lessons as an option were we live.

There’re many advantages to the Roland so far. Been able to try different sounds, work solely on your fingering by turning the bellows off, its lightweight, you’re able balance the sound from your left / right hand AND quiet practice .

Specially the lightwight and the quiet practice makes it for the accordion just to be nearby everyday so I can pick it , practice 20-40 mins …. And go on with the day.
This easiness to get yourself playing the instrument is such a huge point to have into account.

I play chromatic harmonica too. Which in itself is a really portable instrument . Even so, it takes a few minutes for me to start playing (setting the book stand / cleaning up the my desk where more or less what I play it’s not heard in the rest of the rooms, and warm the instrument, which is need it to avoid condensation in the valves).
All this routine takes some time , and more than a couple of time prevents me from practicing.
About a year ago I bought a cheap valveless harmonica and kept it in the car. Started arriving at work 30 mins before to I could practice a bit before starting with my routine at work.
That cheap harmonica (with no need to be warmed) and those 30 minutes of constant practice in my car made for the most constant practice I have had in years. I could see the progress and the focus maintained for months.

Sorry about the side story , but I see the Roland exactly as that, an enabler for quickly and hassle free way to get me into practice mode.

The bellows surely feel different compared to an acoustic. I’ve finally bought myself an acoustic this weekend so I finally can compare the two, that much I can say. I can’t give you a comprehensive comparison yet.
I'm pretty much a beginner too . But at least I can totally agree that you’ll see much benefit starting with the Roland .
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There’re many advantages to the Roland so far. Been able to try different sounds, work solely on your fingering by turning the bellows off, its lightweight, you’re able balance the sound from your left / right hand AND quiet practice .
Funny thing just how many red flags those advantages raise to me. The different sounds distract from you needing to get one sound right (admittedly not really much you can do on the Roland for that). Working solely on your fingering by turning the bellows off is kind of nonsensical on an acoustic accordion because the articulation interacts with the bellows pressure (a leggiero gets a pressurized start from the last note's end allowing the ongoing bellows travel to accumulate pressure for the brief noteless moment). Balancing left/right is done by proper choice of registers and more importantly by differing articulation between left and right hand.

In short, most of those "advantages" sound like training wheels to me that should not be shed too late because they are masking stuff you actually need to master to get anywhere useful at least on an acoustic accordion.
Even so, it takes a few minutes for me to start playing (setting the book stand / cleaning up the my desk where more or less what I play it’s not heard in the rest of the rooms, and warm the instrument, which is need it to avoid condensation in the valves).
Now that's something I don't get. Do you store your instrument in the freezer? Why would you need to "warm" it unless you just brought it in from the cold?
I don't doubt many of the advantages I see could become and issue if used indiscriminately. My wife teacher's proposed her to start with the bellows off. Left hand, then right hand, the both together and then with the bellows on. I don't see a real issue, as the goal is to coordinate all things at the end... sort of a divide and conquer approach.
I know I listed many gadgets as advantages, but is true that the weight and headphone option is what I use everyday. The sounds are also great to have. The electric bass and standup bass sounds on the left plus piano on the right are a killer combo that really can refresh your daily practice :D.
But yeah.... gadgets in the end. Whatever makes you come back day after day is probably the most important. A cheaper but nice instrument surely can get many people practicing also, the Roland isn't so available and has a price tag heavier than many student models for sure.

About the valves in the harmonica. Well is just what you do when living in cold weather. The harmonica covers are metal and tend to be cold, which condensates your breath (and produce rattling sounds every now and then when those buggers stick to the reeds). Warming it in your jacket pocket or a warmer for 5 minutes does the trick (and solves 90% of complaints in chromatic harmonica forums):LOL:
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About the valves in the harmonica. Well is just what you do when living in cold weather. The harmonica covers are metal and tend to be cold, which condensates your breath (and produce rattling sounds every now and then when those buggers stick to the reeds). Warming it in your jacket pocket or a warmer for 5 minutes does the trick (and solves 90% of complaints in chromatic harmonica forums):LOL:
Oh, that's what you call a harmonica. But your rooms surely are not kept at temperatures where your breath condenses? That sounds more like an igloo than a typical apartment.
Oh, that's what you call a harmonica. But your rooms surely are not kept at temperatures where your breath condenses? That sounds more like an igloo than a typical apartment.
Try breathing on a mirror at any temperature and see what happens
A digital accordion seems to be (to this confirmed Luddite) much the same as a high tech flight simulator.

In the simulator one can simulate, practice and mimic flight maneuvers and flight conditions of all sorts, up to and including those never encountered in actual flight, but he'll never get off the ground and experience flying a real airplane.

I suppose that I've never come to accept a digital accordion as an authentic accordion. Perhaps it depends on how it is employed, as an extra-capable "accordion-ish" instrument rather than as a crutch.
I suppose that I've never come to accept a digital accordion as an authentic accordion. Perhaps it depends on how it is employed, as an extra-capable "accordion-ish" instrument rather than as a crutch.
A digital accordion is indeed an "extra-capable accordion-ish instrument", and the newest (by now quite old though) Roland V-accordions are very capable accordion-ish instruments indeed. They do many things very well, but their weakest point is their "emulation" of an acoustic accordion. When you can accept the somewhat mediocre accordion sound then Roland V-accordions can make you very happy.
A digital accordion seems to be (to this confirmed Luddite) much the same as a high tech flight simulator.

In the simulator one can simulate, practice and mimic flight maneuvers and flight conditions of all sorts, up to and including those never encountered in actual flight, but he'll never get off the ground and experience flying a real airplane.

I suppose that I've never come to accept a digital accordion as an authentic accordion. Perhaps it depends on how it is employed, as an extra-capable "accordion-ish" instrument rather than as a crutch.
Luckily, there’s no need to accept a digital accordion as an authentic accordion (< 8 chin switches don’tcha know), only as itself. Is it a crutch? Hmmmmm, suppose you could ask Dorgival Dantas if he has time after playing in an arena with 60,000 people…..
Luckily, there’s no need to accept a digital accordion as an authentic accordion (< 8 chin switches don’tcha know), only as itself. Is it a crutch?
Kind of a pointless argument since the accordion itself is a crutch.
Luckily, there’s no need to accept a digital accordion as an authentic accordion (< 8 chin switches don’tcha know), only as itself. Is it a crutch? Hmmmmm, suppose you could ask Dorgival Dantas if he has time after playing in an arena with 60,000 people…..

You threw me for a loop there. I was not familiar with Dorgival Dantas. Thanks for the introduction.

One thing's certain, I'll never be on stage in front of thousands of enthused people, playing either an accordion-ish instrument or an authentic accordion and singing in Portuguese.
I have a couple acoustic accordions, an excelsior 960 and an ACE. They both sound good, but in changing the register selections, there is some variation in sound, but each "box" has its own characteristic tone. So, if you are an acoustic accordion fan you will buy possibly a half dozen accordions to get the basic tone you want -- sweet musette tone or an accordion that has a great bass. If you buy the best made accordion in each "class" of tone (folk, classic, etc.) you can spend thousands of $$$ and have an accordion that will fit each type of music you like. However, if you want an accordion with a wide variety of sounds (all in one instrument), and a good approximate to an acoustic, get a digital. It won't have all those exact different tones of your many acoustics but it will be very cheap in cost (even a Roland 8X) compared to a collection of acoustics you may have.
But...but...but... then I'd have to close the "Home For Wayward Accordions!"

Just think of those poor homeless accordions, out there living on the streets!
I am considering buying a digital accordion, which I guess limits it to a Roland fr-1xb. My main question is if this is wise or not for me.

I don't have any experience with a Roland, although I am tempted to get one. If I can pose a question - once you've learned to a reasonable level, have you a plan of what you'd like to perform and where to play it? That might determine which is the better option. I mostly play Morris dance music, and I didn't really see an electronic instrument fitting in very well. In fact the instrument I've seen that really fitted the genre/setting best was a 1950s Hohner Student VM in gold and red. If I played different music I'd probably have one by now!