Prolific poster
If it's of any interest: Weltmeister plastic keys were the subject of an earlier thread on this site (it's still 'live' for those interested). I raised the subject because some treble keys had started to 'rise' on a Weltmeister accordion I was given. Those were all-plastic keys and the metal pallet arm was attached to the key by being inserted into a hole in the plastic and then glued. In this case the failure was not the plastic or the metal but the glue. With age the glue had gone a spongy consistency near the metal part. The ideal solution would have been to have removed all the keys, then removed all the glue and rebuilt the keyboard with new glue. This would have been a solution which was quite time consuming (and costly) so it was agreed that I should try a 2-part epoxy glue. I had some reservations because while an epoxy glue is very strong as a surface-to-surface adhesive it was also required in this situation to be a 'filler' as well where I wasn't so sure it would perform.
I've seen this accordion about a year after using the epoxy and I'm pleased to report that the epoxy repair has stayed firm.
I've seen this accordion about a year after using the epoxy and I'm pleased to report that the epoxy repair has stayed firm.