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Legally Blind from New Zealand

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Brian Gubb

Sep 15, 2016
Reaction score
I had a few accordion lessons as a kid then never touched one again for 40 years. Six years ago I lost much of my sight, 3 years ago my family were telling me I was having problems with my memory. I'd heard that playing a musical instrument helps avert memory loss. So here I am. I have recentiy purchased a 2nd hand Musictech 50A and loving it, what a shame I had a 40yr break.

I'm looking forward to being inspired & learning from all of you.

Brian from New Zealand
Hi Brian A warm welcome to you. I had a 50 year gap & took up the challenge again partly to keep the brain cells intact, too.
Doesn't seem to be working my OH says... :shock:
Welcome - I'm sorry to hear about your eyesight, but there's no doubt playing accordion is a workout for the brain (only thing is it's addictive). I hope you enjoy it; let us know how you get on.
I don't use braille, a lot of blind people don't anymore thanks to new technology. Imagine trying to play an accordion and reading braille sheet music.
Welcome Brian. Reconnecting with accordion is a great thing, and hopefully, you will get a great deal of pleasure from playing music. It feeds the soul in a good and positive way.
I'd like to know about new technology....my myopic stigmatic eyeballs struggle to see sheet music so much that deciphering flypaper is a daunting task...which is why I end up making most of it up....
I use MAGic software from Freedom Scientific in conjunction with Midi Sheet Music Reader ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.midisheetmusic ) I record as mp3 the tracks I want to learn and play along with these. I also have an Oynx closed circuit reader that was very good to use but it is sitting dormant because it is not compatible with Windows 10.

My eye condition is in the link below. In a nutshell, I went to bed with 100% of my sight & woke up in the morning with 15%.
Welcome Brian from Ireland. Looking at the gaps here, 40 years and 50 years I'm feeling like a youngster ! Only 35 years from when I stopped to reconnecting again last year. But it's great and I hope helps coordination and memory too.
Hello from Australia. I am a mum to newbie beginner.
You totally inspired me to get my husband music classes. He fell unconscious three years ago and woke up with amnesia. Healed enough to function back to about 70% but his short term memory is an issue. Especially when under stress or asked to do something unfamiliar. I could I not think of this therapy. Thank you so much!
Music is one of the best ways to keep a brain in shape and improve its capabilities!
I like that youtube clip. The frustrating memory lapse I'm having at the moment is not in leanring a song but in recalling the songs I've learned. I can usually recall the title but not the tune. I have to ask my wife to hum a line or two then I'm away. But I do think my memory has improved over the last 24 months.

I have my 1st stage performance on Nov 19th. I think nervousness might be a bigger challenge than memory.
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