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Making more of your Stradella basses...🙂

To know is a thing, to teach is another thing. I dont think people ever get any help from these videos. They watch though 😁
I've learned a TON from what I call "YouTube University", but I've generally learned to separate the wheat from the chaff... lol
Sometimes knowing what question to ask and the journey to gain that knowledge is more important than getting an immediate answer.
I've learned a TON from what I call "YouTube University", but I've generally learned to separate the wheat from the chaff... lol
Sometimes knowing what question to ask and the journey to gain that knowledge is more important than getting an immediate answer.
You learned a lot because you already know music. These "tutorials and tips" means nothing for a beginner. Showing tips gets interest to the owners channel, shows them they know "things". I have tutorial videos too in Turkish 2015-2016. How to play accordion. I made 3 videos. First is how an accordion works and what to do in the beginning. Very basic. Second is bass and treble sides in detail. Third is how to work on a song. In years, I had an opportunity to ask people what they learned from these videos. Plus comments. Even my students didnt understand the second and third video they said. Because they didnt have music theory.

Youtube university is useful if you have knowledge on the subject, I admit that.
You learned a lot because you already know music. These "tutorials and tips" means nothing for a beginner. Showing tips gets interest to the owners channel, shows them they know "things". I have tutorial videos too in Turkish 2015-2016. How to play accordion. I made 3 videos. First is how an accordion works and what to do in the beginning. Very basic. Second is bass and treble sides in detail. Third is how to work on a song. In years, I had an opportunity to ask people what they learned from these videos. Plus comments. Even my students didnt understand the second and third video they said. Because they didnt have music theory.

Youtube university is useful if you have knowledge on the subject, I admit that.

Well, as someone who bought himself an accordion for his 80th. birthday and who had no prior musical education, I most certainly disagree with you on the topic of the value of youtube videos.
Two years on I'm doing OK.
I do have a music teacher now who assists with theory etc. but I have to help him with the intricacies of the CBA and other squeezebox variants which I have learned from mainly youtube videos, and together we use available on-line resources to add to the joys of discoveries in music which they provide.
Even just watching Olexandr Hrustevich (Олександр Хрустевич) perform is a lesson in the basic handling of the accordion and the better ways of using the whole body to achieve desired proficiency.
Curiosity, a desire to learn and a love of music itself are fundamental characteristics without which, I feel, no-one will ever advance musically, together with an acceptance that failure can be a great teacher if one's ego will allow it to be ;)

This very forum has been a significant contributor to my musical education and I am very appreciative of the time and effort which so many contributors so generously give to it.
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Youtube university is useful if you have knowledge on the subject, I admit that.
... and about things one has no knowledge of too.

I did not know Davinci Resolve at all, and VERY little about video editing in general when I went to YouTube to learn how to edit video back in late 2005 (the year that YouTube was first opened to the public). Resolve was 100% all learned from YouTube. Every time I needed to learn about something, I found a video that taught that and I used it, and moved on.

It was a bit of a dream of mine to make videos of my playing, back at a time when I couldn't even play much of anything after my near 40 years of not touching an accordion. I wanted to learn how to make a surround sound video, which I accomplished thanks to YouTube (many years later).

When I learned what a green screen was, for example, it inspired me to purchase a software that had a 6X6 green screen and I tried, but failed (the software and computers I had were not advanced enough to deal with what I wanted to do at the time) .

Many YouTube videos later I learned how to make small videos on a tiny Green screen... I made a video of my trip to Disney. As a half joke my sister told me to send it to the marketing department at Disney. I did, and they liked it enough that they sent me back hopper pass tickets for 6 people to get in to Disney for free for 2 weeks. I was hooked on video editing! Who knew that years later I would be playing accordion again and making the odd video of myself using a green screen and getting good results?

I knew a lot about audio because I was self-taught about how to record audio on 2-track and 4-track recording devices from the 80s, but YouTube helped improve me there a lot as well.

There are dozens of other things that I did not know anything about when I first looked them up on YouTube. Better understanding about Intermittent fasting, alzheimer's/dementia, MS, Trigeminal neuralgia, all things that helped me understand why and how people in my own family were suffering and set expectations for me as to what was needed and what kinds of doctors we were going to visit.

You just need to have the right questions and desire to learn and more importantly, know how to avoid the tons of bad videos that are out there. YouTube is not the ONLY source of info out there, but its one that I use a lot, hence the stupid name I gave it... lol. :)
So this is relevant to most players ? I guess if you want to make a career of learning it’s okay……but 95 percent of us will never use this info.
So this is relevant to most players ? I guess if you want to make a career of learning it’s okay……but 95 percent of us will never use this info.
Why not? Isn't it a circular dependency? People won't use something that they don't know. So if its made available in different forms, more people will use it.
Hard to play the accordion without learning to play the accordion. But hey, what do I know? I learn so much more than I can ever use on this site I’m happy as a clam at high tide. Just sayin’.