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MIDIVox I, II, III "Power Supply" Backwards Compatibility


Nov 18, 2023
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I recently purchased a Excelsior Accordion with the first gen MIDIVox system (still en route to me), but it doesn't have the "power supply" box that routes the signals and has the MIDI out on it. I've found one on eBay but it's for the MIDIVox III system. Does anyone know if the "power supply" boxes are compatible between versions? I did some searching on the forum and found this schematic which shows the 8-pin cable looking fairly generic, so my assumption is that they are backwards compatible. That being said, I figured I'd still check with the forum first in case there is some inherent knowledge that could help.

Thanks so much!

(This is my first post but I've found this forum quite valuable in the past. Happy to be here!)
i seem to recall that there was some small difference between the MV2 and MV3
series box/power supply.. i don't remember what.. on the forum somewhere

that schematic is the MVox 2 box.. you could build one from that..
i made a spare once
the transformer for USA was obviously switched to a 110.. the
regulated voltage is 5 volts so whatever transformer you choose
if you build one, spec it so the 5 volt reg can handle it
like a 4 volt AC would do (the voltage increases after the bridge diode
converts it to DC)

i do not know if it is compatible with MVox 1, i have never ever even seen
one or a schematic for MV1, didn't know MV1 was ever sold into the USA

good luck
i seem to recall that there was some small difference between the MV2 and MV3
series box/power supply.. i don't remember what.. on the forum somewhere

that schematic is the MVox 2 box.. you could build one from that..
i made a spare once
the transformer for USA was obviously switched to a 110.. the
regulated voltage is 5 volts so whatever transformer you choose
if you build one, spec it so the 5 volt reg can handle it
like a 4 volt AC would do (the voltage increases after the bridge diode
converts it to DC)

i do not know if it is compatible with MVox 1, i have never ever even seen
one or a schematic for MV1, didn't know MV1 was ever sold into the USA

good luck
Thanks Ventura,

Looks like I'm mistaken that it's a MVox 1. Looking again it appears to be the MVox "Evolution" which looks to have an identical panel layout as MVox 3. I can't find much about the "evolution" when I google it, but I found a single picture of all the MVox manuals that makes it looks like it comes after the MVox 3.

Is anyone familiar with the MVox evolution system? Forum search doesn't bring me any luck.

Your idea of building my own is an interesting one. I'm really only interested in the MIDI so I could take the route discussed in the thread around making a small MIDI only plug that runs on batteries, assuming I can find an appropriate 8-pin jack. They make (and I have one) some really impressive bluetooth midi modules these days.
Just wanted to update in case someone in the future has a similar question.

I ended up getting that MVox III powersupply/MIDI box off eBay. When I connect it to my MVox Evolution on my accordion the screen on my accordion doesn't light up but MIDI comes out the box. There's a good chance there's another issue causing the screen not to come on, but it could also be incompatibility with the box. I'll look into this more someday in the future but for now I have MIDI which was the goal.
