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Non cassotto accordion for playing jazz

I don,t want to have a set of middle reeds retuned,and not sure about weltmiester or hohner, second hand is cheaper
Thanks Dak, I am not sure about sound samples, there are so many people out there with a room full of microphones and stuff, and then I listen to it through my ipad and headphones, I am grateful for personal recommendations.
That is actually very true... One will never really know what an accordion sounds like as EQing and post processing does make changes. That said, if people are interested, I could make a video with completely UN-edited audio of my Brevetto using my best microphones... which again won't be 100% the same as standing beside me, but gets very close.

Let me know if you would like me to do this for you.
That is actually very true... One will never really know what an accordion sounds like as EQing and post processing does make changes. That said, if people are interested, I could make a video with completely UN-edited audio of my Brevetto using my best microphones... which again won't be 100% the same as standing beside me, but gets very close.

Let me know if you would like me to do this for you.
Jerry, that would be helpful, a tune would be better than scales, no bass.
I would like to hear registers L,M,LM and LMH if there is one, if its 37/96 then I would like to know the length over all the white keys, I will let you know my offer.
That is actually very true... One will never really know what an accordion sounds like as EQing and post processing does make changes. That said, if people are interested, I could make a video with completely UN-edited audio of my Brevetto using my best microphones... which again won't be 100% the same as standing beside me, but gets very close.

Let me know if you would like me to do this for you.
Settled for Bugari LMMH Seniofisa, thanks.
I just picked up the NY Excelsior Concert Grand from Tony Chicago. (We got to talk accordions and repaired the shifters on his other Excelsior. Thanks Tony!) As I understand it, one of the “go to” non cassotto jazz accordions of the pre war era, as played by the great Charles Magnante before he switched to the new rocker style Symphony Grand. More on this accordion later. I’m not into playing jazz, but I will be restoring this vintage beauty. Apparently the date is stamped somewhere under the reeds. Stay tuned!
Wow, awesome sauce!
Forum rules... pics or it did not happen... lol
Coming soon! Got to get a little more organized before I start on it. Now where’s that bellows gasket roll?