Ah yes... Sorry. Its in G.It would help to see the key signature and if they are using the treble cleff on the lower stave.
Just reading the notes and guessing, I would say...
Counter bass of E (G#) and the E7th chord button.
F and the F-major chord button
A and the A-major chord button.
Assuming you are looking at the center measure of all 3 lines.
As a beginner, misprints can be most disconcerting.That's not right.
Shrug. I paid DM800 (about €400 at the standard conversion rate, no adjustment for inflation) for my first memory card with 64kB of memory and I had to hand-solder it myself. My first disk drives were ahead of the technology and had a whopping 800kB per drive. Also about DM800 per drive, and I had to build my own case, power supplies, floppy controller (I did start with a kit but had to modify it extensively to make it reliable) and write my own bootstrap loaders and BIOS.To think my (cheap) iPhone currently has more memory than my huge first proper computer...it's amazing to look back and compare!![]()
That must be the smoothest turnabout to get the discussion back on topic I've seen in ages. Perfect.
Now this all makes much more sense! I was blindly following M for major etc.Are you talking about "Б"?
In soviet squeezebox literature for chord-bass instruments you often get such notation.
Б = major
М = minor
7 = Dominant 7th.
У = Diminished
You also sometimes get the root note in brackets under it, especially if the preceding bass fundamental is not the root of the chord. You can see this in the bottom left corner of your photo. Am has the A in brackets just after the chord. This is not a suggestion to play A fundamental - it's just there to tell you the root of the chord above (technically, just before) it.
It's done to facilitate reading the score without having to learn to sight-read the bass-clef chord dots. Particularly in scores aimed at beginners. Unless there's a bracketed note to tell you the root, you just assume that the chord is the same as the fundamental you have just played and you only look out for the letter, not the dots that make up the chord.
"М" is already reserved for "Minor", so for major they use "Б" - I suspect it's from the word "Big" ("Большой").
Diving into the semantics, you have "big" and "small" thirds instead of "major" and "minor" thirds when you talk about intervals in Russian.
"In the same etude he also uses M for major." That's not right. You either mis-read the chord, or there's a typo. Soviet books are absolutely riddled with typos - quality control was about as bad as their mass-produced accordions.
PS you probably know this already, but I think you mentioned you play a C-griff box, and all Soviet literature is for B-griff, so the fingerings won't apply to you.
Sounds like the "Four Yorkshiremen" sketch from Monty Python
64K *and* a disk drive? Loogs-yer-ee!
First computer I owned had 2K of RAM and if you wanted to save owt you had ta hook it up to tape recorder.
Why do you think I put up with writing a BIOS for using floppy disks? I actually didn't have the money for a tape recorder back then and used a proper 1/4" reel-to-reel tape recorder, but its end-of-tape detection had a tendency to spark and burn holes into the tape proper rather than just the signaling metal bit on the tape's end. At 2400Baud and with a PLL-based recovery circuit, my tape interface was actually both faster and more reliable than what was typical at the time. And my keyboard was virtually indestructible since it had no contacts whatsoever. The only thing that tended to get unhinged in Space Invaders sessions was the equalisation mechanism for the space bar that made it respond equally well across its considerable width (this was before the age of Fn, Alt, Menu, Windows, and AltGr keys, and Ctrl was not in the bottom row; instead the space bar was complemented by two cursor keys each left and right).64K *and* a disk drive? Loogs-yer-ee!
First computer I owned had 2K of RAM and if you wanted to save owt you had ta hook it up to tape recorder.
You could start it from a paper tape reader? Luxury! The CDC6400 used in the computing center when I started going there (which I did uncommonly young because of interest) needed to get its bootstrap loader toggled into memory using switches. Of course the building had its own power supply backups so the operators did not have to do this other than after repairs/replacements. At any rate, paper tape was frowned upon because of its fragility. Everybody there was using punch cards. And a mouse was not an input device but the main danger to longtime data storage.a 1960s PDP9. It *could* save to a tape machine once up and running. But starting it required running 2 metres of paper tape through a reader.
You could start it from a paper tape reader? Luxury! The CDC6400 used in the computing center when I started going there (which I did uncommonly young because of interest) needed to get its bootstrap loader toggled into memory using switches. Of course the building had its own power supply backups so the operators did not have to do this other than after repairs/replacements. At any rate, paper tape was frowned upon because of its fragility. Everybody there was using punch cards. And a mouse was not an input device but the main danger to longtime data storage.
That was you?!?!I remember the PDPs. And shuffled thousands of punch cards for the oh so modern IBM 360.
.Dang, My first was a Heath H8 - Then I upgraded to a H89. Both were in kit form... Took several days to solder all those chip sockets onto the motherboard, build the power supply, wire the monitor, etc....Assembly language was a b...h.