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Purchased accordion and would like your opinion

  • Thread starter Thread starter vintshave
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I purchased at an auction today a lovely old Settimo Soprani Lido marked 368/13. Detailed photos of the internal and external parts of the instrument are here: https://plus.google.com/photos/115156148426005505403/albums/5993789752892169441 . Because I understand that the internals of the instrument are critical, I went to great effort to focus on internal components.
I don’t know anything about this accordion aside from that it’s made by one of the top makers in the world. Here are my subjective observations of the instrument:
• It is EXTREMELY clean. I don’t see any chipped paint or large scratches
• All of the leather straps are very fresh and supple
• The bellows lock works perfectly
• Covers go on and off easily and fasten firmly
• The large buttons on the front press down but they don’t click into place firmly. I don’t know if they are supposed to. They do seem to hold their position
• There is no visible rust or corrosion inside the instrument
• The wax seems in excellent condition
• A large number of the leather flaps do not hold firmly to the reed bodies
• There are no “dead keys” that I can tell. There are some key presses that make a buzzing sound and some atonality
I would greatly appreciate it if you could:
• Tell me the approximate age of the instrument
• Tell me the approximate market value of the instrument in the original case AS IS right now
• Tell me the approximate market value of the instrument as it would be fully serviced
• Tell me the cost of servicing it to this condition
• Thank you so much for your help and advice.

Hi I was looking at your pictures with some interest since I have a similar one- my model is Tivoli and is totally black with red bellows folds- no waterfall keys though like yours. Pretty sharp looking instrument. I like the mute feature which really makes a big difference in tone. This instrument I find interesting because of the reed blocks being shorter and situated width wise instead of the longer horizontally designed ones that most accordions have. I think Titano did this also, but I never had one so can't be sure on this. I believe this is to prevent warping? I don't know how much of a difference it really makes, but I do find it an interesting idea and thinking out of the box. Also leather valves should lay flat to seal properly. As far as value and stuff I am not sure but just though I would add my two cents.

Well nobody has input - but the news I'm afraid, isn't all you'd hope for, in my opinion :| .
I don't know the answers, either, but I'll start with it looks to be latest a 1950s model, maybe late 40s.

AFAIK not top or the range but definitely not a beginner, either.

It's a good maker, but looks like it needs plenty work tuning & revalving - when done its still a not-top-range 1950s instrument, heavy, and as 120 bass, not the most popular size.

You're in the US? Values there differ from UK so be harder to say:
Over here on ebay, in current condition, as its an 'unknown' in terms of serviceability, I'd guess it would have to appear a bargain - so £200 ish max.

Work done, it may not make twice that & difficult to estimate the cost from pics & descrpition - but over here would be easily £100+

All guesswork so lets see if that stimulates any further input. {}
vintshave said:
I don’t know anything about this accordion aside from that it’s made by one of the top makers in the world. Here are my subjective observations of the instrument:
Errr.. dont mix Paolo Soprani and Settimio Soprani! The former is the famous Soprani brand.
From what I know the Settimio instruments are good, affordable ones but not at par with the Paolo Sopranis for quality.
vintshave said:
I don’t know anything about this accordion aside from that it’s made by one of the top makers in the world. Here are my subjective observations of the instrument:
Errr.. dont mix Paolo Soprani and Settimio Soprani! The former is the famous Soprani brand.
From what I know the Settimio instruments are good, affordable ones but not at par with the Paolo Sopranis for quality.[/quote]

Sorry squeezy - Settimio Soprani made arguably one of the best accordions ever made - Artiste VI, way better than any Paolo S that I can think off, Super Paolo for example, and arguably better than the Scandalli version, too.
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