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recently purchased an old Paolo Soprani for traveling...

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Dec 11, 2021
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Arizona, USA
Does this look like it was made in the sixties, or do you guys think its older? I got it for a decent price for it being on ebay but half of the reeds worked themselves loose, will be plenty fun I'm sure.


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It's definitely older because it has a waterfall keyboard and they went out of fashion before 1960.
From the pictures, it looks like its in really good condition Although the wax is shot, I don't see any corrosion on the reeds. The body and parts of the reed blocks also appear to be made of mahogany as well. So far my plans are to fully go over the accordion and in the near future order a new set of bellows with black striped tape with the classic Paolo Soprani red cloth. Not sure if I'm doing Arabic quartertones on this box since I just bought a mint Hohner Marchesa that's getting that treatment.
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