There is a lot we can do to address general aches and pains caused by playing. Besides the obvious ones like proper posture, good seating position and proper strap adjustment, the one that is going to give you the most long term releif (NOT to be done with anything like illness, physical damage, arthritis, over 60 years of age, etc...), is controlled EXERCISE, the kind that pushes you past your comfort zone on a regular basis. Exercising or going to the gym on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do for yourself, if you are not doing it... ANY exercise will be better than none.
I've been doing heavy martial arts (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) for over a decade now, so I had the audacity to think I was in good shape. Well, on top of doing 3 days a week of BJJ, last month I started going 4 times a week to crossfit classes. OK, these people are basically crazy and I daily see people in tremendous physical condition including husband/wive teams that bring in their babies and alternate and INCLUDE the babies in some exercises (apparently, they make great additions for pushups, situps and other moves... lol!). I saw fast that going everyday, 7 days a week was insane-crazy, so lowered 3 days of BJJ down to 2 per week for the moment.
In my first month, I did not drop 1 pound in weight, but playing my big accordions has become easier and my performance in BJJ has noticeably improved. I can play longer without discomfort or strain and there seems to be a bit more focus in the last couple days. Memorizing seems to be a little easier too.
Now my crossfit sessions are only an hour long but there are times that I come home more tired than a 3-4 hour BJJ session. Maybe it's just because its using the muscles in a completely foreign way to my body, maybe I just am a 64-year old that is not in as good a shape as I thought.
I don't recommend anyone doing hard exercise 6 days a week (unless you are between 15-25 years old and are in perfect health... lol), but I wanted to find my point where I start to not have enough time to recuperate. After a month, that actually started Monday, and I walked in to the gym regularly being really sore and lethargic from the previous day and it would not stop, so I am going to back it down to 5 days a week starting next week and see how that goes.
As far as accordions go, playing my 35lbs Morino for 2-3 hours straight is no strain for me (I play sitting). As long as you have no major physical issues, THIS is the best way to not get sore playing accordion... at least for me.
I've been doing heavy martial arts (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) for over a decade now, so I had the audacity to think I was in good shape. Well, on top of doing 3 days a week of BJJ, last month I started going 4 times a week to crossfit classes. OK, these people are basically crazy and I daily see people in tremendous physical condition including husband/wive teams that bring in their babies and alternate and INCLUDE the babies in some exercises (apparently, they make great additions for pushups, situps and other moves... lol!). I saw fast that going everyday, 7 days a week was insane-crazy, so lowered 3 days of BJJ down to 2 per week for the moment.
In my first month, I did not drop 1 pound in weight, but playing my big accordions has become easier and my performance in BJJ has noticeably improved. I can play longer without discomfort or strain and there seems to be a bit more focus in the last couple days. Memorizing seems to be a little easier too.
Now my crossfit sessions are only an hour long but there are times that I come home more tired than a 3-4 hour BJJ session. Maybe it's just because its using the muscles in a completely foreign way to my body, maybe I just am a 64-year old that is not in as good a shape as I thought.

I don't recommend anyone doing hard exercise 6 days a week (unless you are between 15-25 years old and are in perfect health... lol), but I wanted to find my point where I start to not have enough time to recuperate. After a month, that actually started Monday, and I walked in to the gym regularly being really sore and lethargic from the previous day and it would not stop, so I am going to back it down to 5 days a week starting next week and see how that goes.
As far as accordions go, playing my 35lbs Morino for 2-3 hours straight is no strain for me (I play sitting). As long as you have no major physical issues, THIS is the best way to not get sore playing accordion... at least for me.