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Swan Lake - Free Bass Accordion

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2018
Reaction score
California, US
I recently acquired a converter accordion which made it very convenient to keep practicing free bass. I'm looking up simple piano arrangements that I can learn on the free bass. I'm excited to add this to my repertoire. Performed on Giulietti Super (Bassetti) 5 row Free bass accordion.
Note: This is not the converter accordion mentioned earlier in the description.

Much better!

-Get the title to fade out/away before you start playing, it's hiding half the accordion
- Make yourself the "star of the show", not necessarily your backgrounds.
- Look at the camera, not your keyboard, you are playing for the people watching you!
- I like how your body is not washed out or no cartoon effects this time, though you are not really lit to match the video (the lighting on you is a bit low).
- Do you do any post processing of the music before syncing it to the video? A little bit may help... though the quality of the recording is fine.

Green screen videos are very challenging to do well... I've been doing them for a few years and still struggle to get them as good as I would want them to be. It's not just a question of standing in front of a green screen but lighting yourself to match the "background", making sure that background matches the topic of the video and most important, for music videos, the performance that you give visually is as important as the music for best effect.
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