• If you haven't done so already, please add a location to your profile. This helps when people are trying to assist you, suggest resources, etc. Thanks (Click the "X" to the top right of this message to disable it)

Wheezing keys: Columbus, Ohio USA

See this short video that shows you how to create a link that you can paste into this post so that ANYONE can watch your video. This works with any type of file in Google drive storage.

It is still private. You probably see a working video link, because you are logged into Google and have access to your private link.

This is what the rest of us see on the forum page (a screen grab from my computer):

If you open this post in a "private" or "incognito" web browser window, you will see what your link looks like to the rest of the world.

Try again or wait for someone to request individual access. If I ask for access, it will not help you with your problem. One of the experts on the forum will need to respond to identify the cause of your wheezing problem.

Have you tried contacting TimeSwan in Columbus to look at your accordion in person?
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Allow Google to sell my private information all around the world?
Not on your nelly!
Hate to tell you this Ffingers but they already have……