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Zoom Meetup, Saturday, April 10, 2021?

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The zoom meeting id is 721 6971 3395.
Thanks Doug! Have a great evening!
The direct zoom link is:

Meeting ID: 721 6971 3395
Hmm, thanks. Shouldn't need passcode. Try using the direct link. Passcode should be U7ykXS if used.
My apologies for disappearing.... Phone battery ran out..
Thankyou Tom for organising and a pleasure to listen to people face to face... Appreciated everyone showed up and such a diverse bunch shows what a great instrument is to encompass so many...
Hi Tom,

Thanks so much for organising tonight - great fun and so nice to see people face to face rather than just in type. I agree we are a very diverse bunch which always makes things more interesting and lots to learn!

Many thanks again,
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Thanks Terry, Ben and everyone!!! We had about 7 people for about an your and a half meeting. It was a great and informative discussion.

When I ended the meeting, Zoom offered me an unlimited time meeting if I scheduled it now. So, I set one up for the same time in two weeks (April 24, 6:00 pm UK time). (I imagine I can change the date and time.) Maybe this can be a reoccurring meeting every other Saturday. I'll start a new thread for the next meeting.
Thank-you Tom. I will try and participate for a bit,have a class at the :30.
Yikes,got the day wrong. Well happy some people did show up. If ever again will check my calendar for the correct date!
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how did it go ?

hope everyone had fun
It went really well, thank you. After getting a few bugs worked out and everyone settled in the room we had pleasant introductions followed by interesting discussions of repertoire selection, learning techniques and finding good repair people and teachers. About 7 people participated, and agreed that another meeting would be good. Zoom offered to waive the 40 minute time limit if I scheduled another meeting, so we will try again on Saturday, April 24.
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