Been here for ages!
Desperate times call for desperate measures!Again, I haven't done this myself and so can only tell you what the 1950-ish manual by an experienced repairman recommended.

I'd be inclined to file this technique under the heading of "don't try this at home "!

I remember when we followed the instructions for preparing a Christmas pudding (as naive, rookie newlyweds) which recommended boiling the pudding in water for six hours!
It must have been a misprint (we later saw also repeated in other cookery books) as, after six hours of boiling, the pudding was totally charred (burnt) throughout.

I never knew, till then, you could char something simply by boiling it in water long enough!

On reading the extract of John Reuther's instructions (thanks, Henry) I see there's more to the technique than just connecting up a full strength battery.
Even so, he admits this technique is capable of drawing the temper out of the rod.

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