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Accordion Jokes?

I also remember one with an accordionist on horseback with the guy leading the charge telling him he’d better get his bugle fixed, but I couldn’t locate it in any of my Far Side books.

Re the "Harp Heaven, Accordion Hell" cartoon, there was a rather good concert on that theme at Celtic Connections a few years ago....

Definitely meant to be saw but not heared.

I got interested in the musical saw many years ago after listening to a gentleman playing at a ventriloquist convention near Cincinnati. He played “Danny Boy” and it was incredible.

A friend loaned me his saw and bow and after some practice I became proficient at making noise. The incredible thing for me was how difficult it was to hit the correct pitches with the correct bending and bowing at the exact sweet spot, both changing for every note. I’d like to get another one some day but the Supreme Ruler of the estate said if I do, it would have to stay in the shop where a saw of any kind belongs! (That’s where I keep the violin, another instrument I’m terrible at!)

For anyone interested, this explains the technique well:

Instructions supplied with a conductor's baton.
"Stand in front of band. Wave stick until music stops. Turn and bow."

I’m want to use that! I was recently asked to make a conductors baton for a friend to give her sister, a choir director. Maybe I’ll include those instructions.

(I generally make the handle from some exotic hardwood and some white and lighter-weight wood, such as holly, for the shaft. The balance point is important.)

The fact that accordions became so derided and mocked in the USA in particular is still amazing to me. A whole generation (sorry Boomers, this is generally you, but not the ones who are here, obviously) went to war with a musical instrument because they thought it was uncool.

Imagine all these cartoons about say, clarinets. The concept is bizarre. (Ok, you can imagine it for bagpipes and for whatever reason, violas. Unfair to noble instruments, but there you are.)

There was a good bit of perhaps "uncool" accordion music (though I'm not sure what's so bad about young and old gathering together to polka, it honestly seems nice in this isolating time), but so what? I personally don't enjoy auto racing, that doesn't mean everyone who does is a fool of some sort.

I've said this before, but when the punk rockers and alternative musicians rebelled against the "Smooth 70s" sound, they didn't BLAME electric guitars and drums for that music, they just played a different kind of music with those instruments.

Maybe a bit too serious for the accordion jokes thread, but I'm not sure there's ever been a fall from grace for a musical instrument quite like the accordion in the USA.

But there is a revival of sorts underway. There are more people taking it up than putting it down, and there is a young generation who never saw or heard all those jokes, and they wonder why some people hate the accordion, because actually, it's cool. When I've played for younger people they're sort of shocked that all that sound is coming from something purely analog, and want to know more about it.
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