TomBR said:
Thanks Matt!
Just been for a walk this lovely blowy sunny November morning, and the thought came to mind that with Scottish music the addition of a snare-drum will often sound good, and with Irish, it often wont. I now suspect this may be circular - the answer may not be obvious without familiarity with both styles!
(Ceili band music for Irish setdancing is an exception - snare drum is standard there, but it is quite a Scottish sounding style!)
I therefore refer you back to your comment or a paraphrase therof :
To the uninformed and uninitiated it all sounds the same not as harshly meant as it is put , but guilty as charged I am afraid.....
I went to my first Ceilidh in June / July of this year ,halfway through the evening we started on our table to play a slightly irreverent version of Name That Tune and I am afraid that the winning answer was always The same as the last one !!
Now the music playing was fine, all well played instruments and the dancing was danced by them as wished to and there was a demonstration of Ladies Clog Dancing which was highly impressive and almost acrobatic in places..there was a raffle and I did not win anything ...not unusual.....did I enjoy myself ? Yes.
Would I go to another. Maybe.
But .....and this is a big but , about the music sounding the too can other folk or ethnic genres like The Blues, Bluegrass (Endless and monotonous after a while ...there are only so many Salty Dogs that John Hardy can paddle up his Cripple Creek,) Russian Folk (especially those for balalaika...and I know cos I have one ....its got three strings two of which are tuned to E !! and the other is A ....and you fret it with your thumb.....)
Is this a feature of ethnic (used in its widest context to include the traditional folk of these isles) music.....dictated by the simpler structure of it fact are we listening to the same bloody tune that has been distorted by endless passing rounds and interpretations by different musicians that we think there are more than one !! (slightly exaggerated )
Finally , I am not saying that I do not like ethnic music , I love the Blues ,especially acoustic Delta fact I like all music but wont get defensive about it and do not stick to any one genre ....I am perhaps a bit of a musical tart in that respect ....dipping into the genres where I hear a tune that I like and try it out ,one way or another.....we seem to have strayed somewhat from our subject ooops.....Back on track , just picking up on TomBRs little comment that Trad Music can sound the same ....refreshing to hear .