What an intriguing instrument these chromatic digital keyboards are. In honesty I can't say I would ever want to play one but I respect anyone for following their musical passion. I would rather learn to play a slightly more conventional instrument, maybe an acoustic piano, but I'm not sure... I have listened to a few Yamaha U3s online and they don't quite fill me with joy... Unless I can find an acoustic piano costing less than a new Mercedes Benz, that melts my heart, I would perhaps plump for a Mustel Harmonium... that's not too eccentric, is it?
What do you all think?
Chromatic button keyboard, upright acoustic piano or Mustel harmonium...
Whilst I am not an expert on the origins of the accordion, it was my understanding that the piano accordion was developed by the harmonium makers Busson in France. Here is an excellent article by
@Waldo on the subject. I get a little confused because some people refer to another name Bouton of France as the developer of the early PA...
As promised in a previous post, here are a number of photos (at bottom of post) of my Cyril Damien "accordion". Known as "Flutinas", at the time, it seems they became "accordions" when French manufacturers began making 2-row boxes (but, who knows for sure). The images below depict a very early...