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FR-5 MIDI Set Editor - Nothing I can find

Apr 1, 2023
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Hi everyone,

I was hoping to find some type of Roland MIDI Set Editor Software to download onto my laptop and eidt settings, etc. using it and then dumping the data back to my FR-5. Unfortunatley, it looks like the FR-5 isn't supported by Roland anymore. I see editor software for other models, but the FR-5 isn't listed and is not mentioned in any of the MIDI Set Editors.

Has anyone had any luck either in finding one that is compatible with the FR-5, or has someone designed their own to basically edit the SysEx messages so that you can edit on the laptop and then send back to the FR-5? The reason being, is that I find when I am spending a lot of time editing the settings, that the angle that I need to keep the FR-5 on to make it easier also endis up potentially pinching the cable and I don't want to chance shorting or having it fail because it is pressed on the ground while I have the FR-5 elevated so it is easier to see the display, etc.

Thanks for your help with this.

Vince Matinsky
It’s not likely that you are going to get an editor working on the FR-5, it is 2 generations back from the 8X, and that took 2 years AFTER it came out on the 4X and a firmware update to get it working on their so-called flag-ship model.
I am sorry Vince, I would love to be able to post a link or something, but the editor just didn’t exist at the time that the 5 was out and the supporting code was not implemented in it‘s programming.
Hello Vince,

Welcome. I can't claim that I'm an expert however when first investigating the purchase of a Roland accordion, I was told that the accordions with an X in the name were expandable so you could add sounds and update the software unlike the early models like the Fr2 and Fr5. Those accordions were limited to what the manufacturer included.
It's nice that you could join this forum and since Canada is a sizeable country, perhaps you could narrow down your location for us.
Hi there,

I live in Western Canada. Thank you.
Great, this means that we're practically neighbors because I live west of Toronto. 😁 You're a brave soul for purchasing the Fr5 since it was early going in the development of the V accordions and this also means that you had the courage and confidence in your abilities to purchase the accordion. I on the other hand waited for the Fr8x to come out and to be satisfied that all of the kinks had been worked out.