Considering that Hohner only makes a few Gola accordions per year it is not really feasible that everything in the Gola is "Hohner original". Hohner may build it, but it's impossible to tell how much of it Hohner really builds. Still, they must do something really right because the Gola still sounds very much like a Gola, whereas for instance a new Scandalli Super VI sounds nothing like the Super VI from the sixties (which sounded very much like a Gola in fact).
That triple position chin switch... interesting point of conversation, according to them, that is a Hohner patented design first used on the Morinos. Again, I could not find any patent evidence either way, but my search was no more than maybe 15 minutes with Google. It's just not important enough for me to waste the time on.
In terms what is made where, that is an interesting question for sure. Now, about 5 years ago (pre-covid), I have family in Germany that actually went to the new Hohner plant and spoke to a rep there about a Gola and took a private 1 man tour of the new location and saw 3 Golas for custom orders on benches being worked on. Per them, every part of a Gola, without exception, was made in Germany... but even that, there is always the question of truthfulness and honesty.
- How far is any representative willing to go to make that kind of a sale?
- How important is the Gola reputation to Hohner?
There is the possibility that a few white lies can be told... or maybe they are not, we here just won't be able to tell.
There are certainly no newer accordions that are in that price range and none of the other accordion manufacturers openly accept orders for custom designs and options like Hohner does for the Gola. That is not to say that Pigini or Bugari won't make a custom accordion for you if you throw enough money at them, but they don't have a model specifically advertised as a "sure, give us your specs, we will make it for you, no matter what you ask for".
In the end, a Gola is a Gola is a Gola... just like there are no other cars like a Rolls, (though there are other really nice cars out there), there is nothing out there like a Gola, for better or worse.
That's my 2 cent opinion and I am sticking to it.