Making sense of tunes with slightly strange rhythms - for the less rhythmically able - can be a problem and there must be many techniques employed by players to resolve these difficulties.
My preference is for Scottish and Northumbrian dance tunes and some I find very difficult to play on first sight because of the seemingly idiosyncratic rhythms and sometimes counting the time, taking account of note length and dottedness, is just a pain for the amateur so I tend to use .abc players as an aid.
As an example, I used JC's TuneFinder to download the .abc file for Phil Cunningham's 'Below the Aigas Dam'
To work on this tune it was loaded into the player and the score displayed (together with the abc notation).
The tune can be played for you simply, but correctly spaced, while you play along to get the feel of it.
The playbackspeed can easily be adjusted by altering the default notelength in the abc file.
My system is all opensource so I find the java program, 5 Line Skink, fits my requirements.
I should be interested to hear whether others employ similar techniques or more sophisicated variants and if so, whether they find them useful?
I should own up to finding it easier to use this technique with my Rolands as the accordion notes and the abc playback of course are channelled to the headphones together.
My preference is for Scottish and Northumbrian dance tunes and some I find very difficult to play on first sight because of the seemingly idiosyncratic rhythms and sometimes counting the time, taking account of note length and dottedness, is just a pain for the amateur so I tend to use .abc players as an aid.
As an example, I used JC's TuneFinder to download the .abc file for Phil Cunningham's 'Below the Aigas Dam'
To work on this tune it was loaded into the player and the score displayed (together with the abc notation).
The tune can be played for you simply, but correctly spaced, while you play along to get the feel of it.
The playbackspeed can easily be adjusted by altering the default notelength in the abc file.
My system is all opensource so I find the java program, 5 Line Skink, fits my requirements.
I should be interested to hear whether others employ similar techniques or more sophisicated variants and if so, whether they find them useful?
I should own up to finding it easier to use this technique with my Rolands as the accordion notes and the abc playback of course are channelled to the headphones together.