........I think the key feature for any of these is actually to be able to tune a certain set of reeds the way one likes it for musette purposes, otherwise stock musette settings are largely useless unless they happen to be what you want.
i read back through this thread to try and better understand, then noticed your comment..
so Mr. Mark, specifically addressing Musette
i was working on an Italian set (FR4x) and did shifts 8 through 14 as Musette
i already did a set for comparing and listening to the raw waveset tones and
then some basic Musette shifts in a French set, but there are a LOT of Italian reeds
available so now i am getting more into complex Musette mixtures
there are a TON of adjustments you can bring to bear rather easily with the editor
and because of the way you can also adjust relative VOLUME of each individual
reedfootage you set to "on" AND you can vary the intensity of the relative
Musette effect with a slider AND (WheW) you can also feather the end result with
several flavors of Chorus AND control THAT intensity as well
i am gonna say right now there is no other system, whether in the real word or
Virtually, that gives you the chance to not only attempt to simulate known
Accordions near correctly, but also a way to craft a Musette in ways impossible in
the real world of a Factory or R&D workshop
now on the surface you have the "spread" anywhere from Dry/jazz through Nosebleed
you can do M- and M+ alone, or add M (M1) at the exact a-440 middle
then you can drop the volume of the M down relative to M- M+
and then
add the 16' Voice an octave up, to create a second M (M2)
the M2 can be "in cassotto" so it gives a sweeter "lead" tonality
to the overall mix, and you can boost the relative volume of it in the Mix
meanwhile M1 is NOT in cassotto, so it "mixes" it's frequencies as you
would desire from tradition, but by varying it's volume a bit lower, allow for both
the typical Meuette, but leaves just enough room for M2 to give the overall
sound a nice "shine" for quick passages and lead lines
you can't do that with a real accordion
you can also take an M reed from a relatively "modern" Scandalli reedset
like you would find in a Super 6, but use the 3 out of chamber M's
from an old old hubcap grill Scandalli that was owned by a Parodi smoking
Sicilian guy down at the produce Yards with a Musette that bounced off
the Brick walls of the Market and percolated across the wavy cobblestone yard.
do THAT with any other system
you can even add the Piccolo reed just a tiny bit of Volume to kind
of imitate the M H faked tuned musette sometimes done on
an LMH accordion
what i am saying is, look closer Mr. Mark, i think you can find
Musette happiness if you start digging in with the editor
and don't forget to add a dash of Chorus near the final tweaks
the extended reedsets for Dallape have a lot of potential for flavoring
reed-mixtures when you look at mixing reedtypes for new
overall Musette blends that never existed in the real world