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  • We're having a little contest, running until the end of March. Please feel free to enter - see the thread in the "I Did That" section of the forum. Don't be shy, have a go!

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I'll check this out tomorrow......jjust recovering from The Eurotravestyvision Neighbourly Votefest :b :ch :b
Just drove out in the car to a deserted street by a park so that I could record a polka on the organetto without getting shot (it's the middle of the night). I think this might be getting obsessive...
Hah...gets like that ...I am sat in headphones doing some editing......I end up with most of it on the cutting room floor....it's a laugh though.....................
Matt Butcher said:
Just drove out in the car to a deserted street by a park so that I could record a polka on the organetto without getting shot (its the middle of the night). I think this might be getting obsessive...
You may not get shot Matt but you do run the risk of getting arrested or mugged or both.

I intend to do a recording today and my neighbours kids have a birthday party so you may hear hysterics on the recording, either from the kids next door or myself after 100 attempts at something that works fine with the microphone off but for some reason messes up with it on.
I don't think playing a diatonic accordion in a parked car is against UK law though it may be a breach of the Looking Stupid in Public Act of 1856. Looking forward to hear you recording Glenn, with or without screaming kids/adults.
I've read of people getting mugged just because they are wearing the wrong trainers...
Nuff said....
Glenn, you are right of course, and I would not want the forum to be advocating nighttime outdoor practice in deprived urban areas.
Matt Butcher said:
Just drove out in the car to a deserted street by a park so that I could record a polka on the organetto without getting shot (its the middle of the night). I think this might be getting obsessive...

this sounds like a <S>challenge</S> new thread post 8-)

wheres the most unusual / stupid place people have played or may consider playing :ugeek:

i would like to dip my toe in the water gently and maybe go and play a tango in my loft {}

id like to see a photo posted next time you do it matt :shock:
Matt Butcher said:
Just drove out in the car to a deserted street by a park so that I could record a polka on the organetto without getting shot (its the middle of the night). I think this might be getting obsessive...

On a more geeky note this is more true to convention than you may think:
The term gigging is apparently derived from early 20th century when groups used to practice / perform/busk on street corners in New Orleans. There grew to be so many of theses troups that the City council outlawed the practice on the street and the police would continually move these players on. So to avoid arrest and loophole the new law they played/sang on the deck of a parked horse drawn carriage - a Gig.

Find the right night time venue and it could be called Gogging...
Just to make the point that if I can post, anyone can (and thanks to all listeners).

Seriously, I would love to hear more of what people are playing out there, the grass roots playing is a big part of accordion culture.

So, since last time I updated this thread I put on :

two tunes of the month for this forum: The Agnes Waltz and Da Slockit Light
one tune of the month for melodeon.net on BCCsharp, not v good at all: Young Collins
a short piece of music by Howard Skempton
no organetto :-( (so loud)
Three tunes from the Selly Oak gettogethers

I also put on some archive stuff from 2007: (there is more archive stuff lying around on CDs, of varying quality, I put it on the net mostly so people involved could see what they did but its also a record of something that happened out there on the fringes of the accordion world).
This is some tunes by a kind of laid back Eastern European folk band we had (clarinet, guitar, violin/mandolin, two accordions, bass accordion, and an even more laid back percussionist) - they are missing the second accordion as the soundman somehow turned off her mic. The band still exists in a stripped down version (clarinet, trumpet/flugel, acc, bass acc) and turns up occasionally in a slightly less laid back form.
Then there are some tunes by a small accordion band, mostly of quite inexperienced players. This also still exists in a slightly different form.
I should edit the tracks down to take off some very lengthy announcements and wild applause, but at the moment I cant work out how to do this. So apologies for that if anyone does try to listen.
An update:

My first tarantella recording! Which due to being recorded on a phone has ended up on You Tube, a little bit scary. The actual visual side of it is completely incompetent.

Also some archive stuff from 2007 (Eastern European, English and Accordion Band on ).
F'naar f'narr... nice one buddy, left a comment on YT as well.....
Great tune Matt. Wicked youtube video with a very avant gard filming angle.
While Im on the Italian music, I did this . Its a party anthem from Abruzzo and its as far as I got with it before my reeds fell out. There are some more sections I would have liked to build in though not everyone plays everything.
shame you didnt build on it as has the foundations for an excellent track

maybe one day you can... :idea:
Inspectore Montalbano will be having a word with you shortly , if you carry on in car parks like this.......

Some seriously nice playing coming through though.....Cheers

After reading this I actually made my own soundcloud recordings. I haven't played long and it seems that all my skills disappear when I push the rec-button from my recorder.. :) You inspired me!
Jonska said:
After reading this I actually made my own soundcloud recordings. I havent played long and it seems that all my skills disappear when I push the rec-button from my recorder.. :) You inspired me!
Yep... good growing experience, tho..
I know the I Did That board doesnt get that much use nowadays but I like hearing what others do, so I keep posting, it is what it is... anyway we played some Balkan and klezmer tunes the other day, which I am having trouble getting onto the internet, but also a medley of Fiddler on the Roof. Here it is: accordion, clarinet, trumpet and me on bass accordion. .
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