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New 96 bass model discovery

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Active member
Oct 31, 2021
Reaction score
Fairbanks alaska
In my search for a lightweight 96 bass, I just learned that the petosa lil pro xt now comes in a 96 bass, at 17 lbs, the same size and weight as the 72 bass. I was amazed. How can this be! They told me that the 72 bass had room for more bass buttons, so they added them. I want to hear and play this new model!
In my search for a lightweight 96 bass, I just learned that the petosa lil pro xt now comes in a 96 bass, at 17 lbs, the same size and weight as the 72 bass. I was amazed. How can this be! They told me that the 72 bass had room for more bass buttons, so they added them. I want to hear and play this new model!
A 72 bass accordion actually has the same number of reeds on the bass side as a 96 bass (or 120 bass) accordion. This implies the reed blocks already occupy so much space that on the outside there must be enough room for 96 bass buttons (but maybe just not 120 bass buttons).
I have a Bugari 540/ARS/C which is just 41.5cm long (or "tall" in the playing orientation) and even that has 120 bass buttons (and convertor too).
The 72 bass will of course be a bit lighter than the 96 bass because the buttons and pistons add weight to the 96 bass one.
OK that explains it further! Thank you.
This 96 bass does not come with any more keyboard keys, so maybe it’s not as exciting as I originally thought. It just adds the ability to play in a few other keys on the Bass side. It is listed in the catalog as the same size, weight, and dimensions as a 72 bass. They told me that adding the bass buttons hardly has any weight, so I guess it’s not significant enough to change the weight category on their specs page.
In my search for A Lighter accordion, I am learning other things like comfortable playability also is related to size of the accordion in relationship to your body, as well as weight of the accordion and I read Today that the higher quality reeds make it easier to operate the bellows. So many factors in picking out an accordion. Not just weight and size and bellows ease, but tunings. As I learn a little bit, I learn that there is so much that I do not know. Thats the way it is.
In my search for A Lighter accordion, I am learning other things like comfortable playability also is related to size of the accordion in relationship to your body, as well as weight of the accordion and I read Today that the higher quality reeds make it easier to operate the bellows. So many factors in picking out an accordion. Not just weight and size and bellows ease, but tunings. As I learn a little bit, I learn that there is so much that I do not know. Thats the way it is.
That's very right. A good fit is very important. Weight is an important factor but size is as well. That's why manufacturers are now designing accordions that are full size but made as light as possible. The only downside to these new accordions is that they are less sturdy than the older heavier ones. So handle with care!
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