Hey craigd, these are interesting thoughts to explore...
I'm of the opinion that the standard bass system is the nearest thing we have to a 'universal' system on the accordion and a lot of classical accordion is very good on it. I think it is important for the system to remain present on both traditional (standard bass) and classical (free bass) instruments and not be replaced with something else.
However, some folk become so fixated on one aspect of the repertoire, perhaps some classical obsession or other, that it leads to a fixation on free bass. Eventually they start to think, free bass alone is the way forward. It leads to them wanting to separate themselves from the wider community of accordionists. We then hear things said like, 'all free bass CBAs should be called bayans and not accordions' or 'we need to get rid of stradella accordion', or 'we need to get rid of all the systems bar one'. Hmm... but which one?
Think of all the wonderful Quint free bass accordions in the USA and the marvellous players in America and Italy and New Zealand etc. Without stradella bass there is no Quint free bass, because Quint is derived solely from stradella (standard) bass design. Quint is the unfurling of stradella bass over multiple octaves. Think about all those marvellous Titano Cosmo's and the guys like Dr. William Popp who dedicate themselves to the instrument, and compose extensively for both standard bass and free bass accordion.
Also, think of all those marvellous Hohner's with MIII free bass. Morino and Gola and others clearly thought stradella mattered enough that it would be there alongside free bass. Some of the very best accordions ever made were MIIIs, and some of the best accordionists in the world play MIIIs.
Think of all the chromatic converters with the inner two rows of basses in stradella formation. Without stradella bass there would no longer be these rows available to 'rescue' the chromatic converter player when it's ergonomic foibles means the player has to play on the outer edges of the accordion to reach the lowest bass notes (the bellows control often gets a little ropey at that point). What do they do... they jump ship to the stradella bass octave - though you rarely hear a word said about it!
If accordion manufacturers stopped making standard bass accordions and converters, within a couple of generations the accordion would likely go the way of the harmonium... and the dinosaurs. What would we be left with? An empty forum, with a few eccentric harmoneon or free bass only enthusiasts perpetuating the myth of how their hands are 'equal partners'.