debra said:On most accordions (if not all) all chord buttons give you 3-note chords.
All the older Hohners, 1950s-1960s, Ive worked on have had four note sevenths. Cant remember checking the dims.
debra said:On most accordions (if not all) all chord buttons give you 3-note chords.
Through the double meaning of the 5th row (7th), the literature for 80 bass instruments is no longer as limited as before, and it can be used for pieces that were only possible on 120 bass instruments.
Glenn said:Morne, try playing the C bass and the F7 at the same time. If it sounds like a C dim then its as in the Hohner book above. If it sounds horrible then it isnt.
I thought it was very interesting, thank you!Anyanka said:I take it translating that passage into English was a complete waste of time, then...
Anyanka said:I take it translating that passage into English was a complete waste of time, then...
Morne said:As for why they continue making 60s and 80s now?
Maybe the voicing difference is still preferable for certain kinds of music?
The main question is still not quite answered as to why they made the 80 instead of 96 in the first place, since my premise of the negligible difference still applies. Maybe back then (before 1936) there was a more notable cost/weight/size difference?
The design of some small instruments does not provide diminished seventh chords. In this case, you can replace the diminished seventh chord with a dominant seventh chord. For example, diminished from C on the dominant 7th of F, diminished from D on the dominant 7th of G, etc.
Конструкция некоторых маленьких инструментов не предусматривает аккордовый ряд уменьшенных септаккордов. В этом случае уменьшенный септаккорд можно заменить доминантсептаккордом. Например: уменьшенный от до на доминантсептаккорд от фа, уменьшенный от ре на доминантсептаккорд от соль и т.д.
I guess I cannot say so for sure. Debra mentioned cheap Chinese ones do not. But I am leaning towards, yes, a proper 80 bass ought to have that.donn said:Have we established as fact that 80 bass accordions produced recently use the diminished triad voicing? All of them, or if not, which ones?