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Russian Romance

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Mjh, I really like your signature and message, "Jedes hertz ist eine revolutionare zelle".
I also like extension of that, 'jedes hertz ist eine revolutionaire weltall'.

TW, thanks for the link, much appreciated. I have http://russmus.net/music/ in my bookmarks, but I didnt think it had enough songs to warrant a link.

Nathen, hadnt heard of that companion slogan before, it manages to be more politically correct which is sometimes more appropriate ;) Your time in that Ashram sure does sound like life changing. My only connection to an experience even remotely like that is when I put on a cd of Tibetan Buddhist chanting, so I cant really say I understand, but who knows where one might end up on an open-ended bicycle tour. There is a big Buddhist monastery in France at least. Its also a big world out there :)
Soulsaver said:
And Id avoid sitting straight on the mic - little uncomfortable. :D
Thanks for the tip.
I wondered why it always sounded so muffled.
Actually Mjh, you wouldn't have heard that companion slogan before, because I just made it up!


jarvo said:
Is this not also Otchichonya or Les Yeux Noir ?....I have a chord pattern for this for a Gypsy Jazz version ....I really like Russian tunes....well played by the way :D

I just re-read this post and thought What ....how rude!.....

First of all Well played to the piece that you played............

Second I like Russian tunes.

:oops: :lol:
There are 2 versions commonly called 'compact' -
a) normal size keys c20mm (19.25" in a 41 key) but 37 key with 120m bass. 37 key with 96 bass isn't usually called 'compact'.
b) smaller keys, usually 17mm and c16.6" for 41keys - sometimes called 'lady' size - like Nathans 1960ish Carmen 111m. And are definately still made by some manufacturers, if not all.
It's just a raspberry .....I sometimes like to give to old threads to wake 'em up a bit .....daft really ....but so am I .....what Soulsaver is on about though ....I do not have a scoobydoo.....clue..... :lol: :b
Hi Glenn; An excellent rendition of Dark Eyes. (Och, Chernyue) Tastefully Done!!!
Good job Glenn, thanks for posting. I guess I hadn't heard this piece, kinda reminds me of Dark Eyes ? The Russians have it in my opinion when it comes to composing great material. I think my favorite is " the second waltz" by Shoskotovich. I'm sure that isn't the correct spelling. There is a fellow on the Tube that does a beautiful accordion setting of this waltz.
Thanks Don. I enjoyed doing it.
I also know the waltz you are talking of and have a version so may have a go.
Glenn said:
Here is something Ive just done to try out the Soundcloud service Ive just signed up for as Accorman

Comments and criticisms are absolutely welcome.

From my own perspective the recording was a bit wonky. I should sit more straight on to the microphone.

From the playing perspective you hear every small playing issue (there are lots of them even in this small piece). Still it is good practise.
Why does sitting in front of a microphone make you play worse?
Is it a law of nature?

Nice work! Recording is always hard because you think the people who are listning are waiting for you to make a mistake. Just have fun!

Practice, practice, practice!
Wally G
It's sod's law I think... I play much better when there isn't an audience or I'm not trying to record myself. It sounded good to me from a relative beginner's perspective.
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