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What’s on YOUR Accordion case?

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Hi Eddy,

There are a number of places I have visited which I don't want to be reminded of. The places I did like are imprinted on my memory.

Kind Regards,


Hi Tony,

You could well be right about the stickers holding that bag together. Unfortunately, the stickers are also quite tatty, and perhaps not fit for the purpose of holding the bag together. I can easily envisage a catastrophic failure in the near future, with a very rough looking concertina obeying the laws of gravity and crashing to the floor with a clang and a wheeze of its bellows. I imagine that this would cause several pence worth of damage.

Kind Regards,

I understand, Stephen.
I've always collected backstage passes, stickers, and badges. Just one of them opens up a big book for me.
For example, the Kenya sticker reminds me of the place that made me take the accordion more seriously (as in becoming a player, and not just an owner). I played Happy Birthday on it to a 5-year-old. I had the joy of introducing the instrument to a bunch of kids. I tried to imitate the birds I heard there that I've never heard before. I wrote a few pieces. I carried the instrument on a walking safari. I played on the beach overlooking the Indian Ocean.I could go on for a few pages more, and that's just one badge.
Okay. I’m surprised. Accordion players ARE unlike guitar players.


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Hi Stephen. Yes, it could come crashing down in a blaze of sounds, perhaps setting yourself up for some sort of award on one of those stupid music award shows.

well I don't see myself putting an Edelbrock or Domino's Pizza sticker on my case :lol:
Hi Eddy,

Lovely memories that I'm sure you want to keep.

I am by no means hostile with regard to stickers or badges, but they have never featured too much in my life. Of course, we wore badges and insignia on our Army uniforms, one of which I still keep in my wallet at all times. Very few people ever get to see it, but it is enough for me to know it is there. The meaning of this insignia is very personal, and represents events in my life which I tend not to broadcast.

Kind Regards,

Tony...playing in pizza parlors used to be an intro to the music bidness, but I doubt that Domino's was an employer. I lifted that photo from the web. The only pizza parlors I go to don't have stickers....hmmmm, maybe there's a correlation I should be paying more attention to.
Thanks, Stephen.
my beer fridge + bottle cap holder


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You could put straps on the refrigerator and you’d have a nice looking, uh....portable beer refrigerator.
Okay. I got my new Cider patch. Here’s a before-sewing photo. After that I’ll post the sewed-on photo and then I’ll give this thread up as a misbegotten child of cider drinking.


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Potential patch for the other backpack. Anybody under 60 know what this is?


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Eddy Yates post_id=63477 time=1539400210 user_id=3100 said:
Potential patch for the other backpack. Anybody under 60 know what this is?

Actually these were very common once upon a time and I had lots of them and the devices they were used in, but technology has moved on. Im not sure if you dont know what these actually are and want it identified, or you have posed a question for the younger members? I wont say what it is in case its the latter.
Stephen Hawkins pid=60408 dateline=1537086977 said:
Hi Eddy,

Peter Gabriel is still quite popular, especially with an old Army chum of mine.  

I take it that your interest in The Wurzels extends beyond the one song mentioned, and that you appreciate their humorous performances.

The only Cider worth drinking is Rough Cider or Scrumpy, it being the one that sneaks up on you and causes you to malfunction.

Kind Regards,


Hi Stephen,
I’m reading a book about Beatles’ producer George Martin. It’s very tweaky, and full of useless information, but really interesting to someone like me who is fascinated by music of that era. I just came across this mention of the Wurzels:
“At that point, George booked studio musicians for the following week, including the ubiquitous David Mason, only to learn that Geoff would be unavailable for the upcoming session. Along with Ken Townsend, he was booked for a mobile recording of the Wurzels, a “Scrumpy and Western” comedy act from Somerset. When the Beatles learned that Emerick would be 130 miles away in Royal Oak, they were aghast. With no other choice, Martin was forced to impress Malcolm Addey into service as Emerick’s stand-in.”

Excerpt from: Sound Pictures: The Life of Beatles Producer George Martin, The Later Years, 1966–2016 by Kenneth Womack. 

Geoff Emerick was the Beatles’ engineer, and I bet the session was for “I Am a Cider Drinker”, although I’m not quite tweaky enough to look that up.
All the best,
Eddy Yates pid=61017 dateline=1539400210 said:
<ATTACHMENT filename=55B5933C-DF99-4756-90D1-157578C529C4.jpeg index=0>
Potential patch for the other backpack. Anybody under 60 know what this is?

45 RPM adapter. Im waiting for someone to get me this for my birthday: Tie
Always late to the party...
This is my old, battered, original case for my 3 voice Musette Paulo Soprani, that I still use.
I've included the box as I know how 'sniffy' some members are about non-black accordions.
Travel safely
I'm waiting for this one from AccordionUprising in Canada.
Every case should have one!
Sadly, my cases are unadorned too. I did recognize the 45 adapter, being old enough to have used them. But I'm curious as to what is the difference between regular cider and "scrumpy" is it any hard apple cider?
But I'm curious as to what is the difference between regular cider and "scrumpy" is it any hard apple cider?
From wikipedia:
"Scrumpy is a type of cider originating in the West of England,[1] particularly Cornwall, Devon, Bristol, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, Warwickshire, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire. Traditionally, the dialect term "scrumpy" was used to refer to what was otherwise called "rough", a harsh cider made from unselected apples.[2]



Today the term is more often used to distinguish locally made ciders produced in smaller quantities and using traditional methods, from mass-produced branded ciders.[3]"
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