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What Tuner & Suitable Tuning Bellows

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I was referring to myself when I said playing around with tuning because that is exactly what I will be doing! :D

I don't ever intend to do this professionally, I just want to eventually have the skills and confidence to tune my Hohner Morino VI N by myself, but not before having practiced and had successful results on a few other accordions, and in the process learn and have fun. I also bet that on this journey, I will also touch on removing reeds, cleaning reed blocks and re-waxing at some point. It's hard to do just tuning alone because these others are all hugely contributing factors in a good tune, especially on older boxes.

One thing for sure, I'm certainly not in it for the money. :)
Neither am I but the cost of spares is becoming an issue. Many years ago I posted some information which I had gathered from books, the internet, social contact and quite often, 'learning the hard way' and put it together in a website, which you may have already visited. i.e.. talkingreeds.com
boxplayer4000 said:
Neither am I but the cost of spares is becoming an issue. Many years ago I posted some information which I had gathered from books, the internet, social contact and quite often, learning the hard way and put it together in a website, which you may have already visited. i.e.. talkingreeds.com

For information, and maybe so you can check it out, Bullguard Antivirus blocked my access to it, indicating it to be a malicious website when I (just now) clicked on it.
The BG link includes a link to report unjustly blocked sites.
I've had the site checked professionally and no defects can be found. AVG virus protection also flags up a warning for some users. I feel it is the virus protection devices which are at fault, or maybe their settings. Is your virus protection a a 'free' one? If you can identify a specific virus please let me know.
boxplayer4000 said:
... the cost of spares is becoming an issue. Many years ago I posted some information which I had gathered from books, the internet, social contact and quite often, learning the hard way and put it together in a website, which you may have already visited. i.e.. talkingreeds.com
I had a bit of luck. My uncle said he had a donor 120 bass instrument for me for free, one cannot beat that price. Ill be going there to pick it up later today. :)

And no, I was not fortunate to have found your website, Google was not friendly in that manner. Thank-you for both making such a site and sharing the link here.

I suppose that it is almost impossible to talk tuning and not fall into other areas of accordion repair and how things like the bass mechanisms work, and that is an even rarer resource out on the net.
Ref http://www.talkingreeds.com my internet security didnt object but I guess the adverts could set off some systems?
boxplayer4000 said:
Ive had the site checked professionally and no defects can be found. AVG virus protection also flags up a warning for some users. I feel it is the virus protection devices which are at fault, or maybe their settings. Is your virus protection a a free one? If you can identify a specific virus please let me know.
My BG AV is subscribed..but there is a free trial period. As I indicated, you appear to be able to report it as unjust, perhaps citing the professional check you used, using the link I provided. And maybe ask them to justify their action. Its a shame these things go unchallenged as us mere browsers are probably loath to click on what may be malicious..
Well, the first part of the tuning table has arrived in my possession this afternoon. The part that I thought would be the hardest to find was in all actualities right in my back yard (so to speak) and the easiest and cheapest to obtain.

It turned out that my uncle had the solution, a lovely little donor accordion for me. In return, I promised to tune one of his accordions for him (turns out my uncle has over a dozen beautiful accordions in his possession, all that are absolutely lovely including one 1940s Paolo Soprani that is truly museum worthy and another that is a lovely musette tuned accordion (that you know I am going to document via software so that I can learn a little about musette tuning)... whod have ever known??

Basically it is a 120 bass unit that has the larger bellows size I was looking for that has the adequate capacity to handle all the lowest notes that I will toss at it. Here are a few pictures of the Finzi (Alberto Finzi is the full name, its obviously of Italian origin), accordion.

Know what the sad part is? Though beaten up, leaking like crazy and held together with weather seal and a prayer, it still manages a very sweet sound.

One unique feature that I have never seen in real life before... it has no bellows straps, instead it has an internal locking mechanism that is unlocked with a twist of a button on the top of the bass section.

Here are a few pictures I snapped off of it while still in one piece:







We have a very interesting start to this project!
I've had further contact with my 'talkingreeds.com' administrator (once more) highlighting some people's problems about accessing the the site. Once again checks show not contamination of the site, the site is well used by many people who have no problems. I run the programme on a Mac. I have a free version of AVG protection installed, which I probably don't need. Neither the Mac or the AVG object to 'talkingreeds'.
JerryPH: Good luck with your efforts to repair the Fintzi accordion.
The bellows lock on the bass end is not unique to this accordion. Hohner used it on Atlantic models and other older models had the lock on the treble grille. Even one late 1930s model had the lock located on the back of the treble keyboard.
artelagro said:
This is the message I get.
http://www.talkingreeds.com/ has been blocked by BT Parental Controls because the account holder has Light filters on.

Just surfing the web for a clue, I surmise
1) that your internet service is provided by British Telecommunications
2) youre using their router hardware
3) you or someone there may have said yes when a dialogue popped up asking if you wanted to enable filters
4) their filters are very poor and quite unable to distinguish between objectionable and innocuous sites
4.b) that doesnt mean the site in question is OK
5) theres some way you can turn that back off

(1) and (4) for sure, (2) and (3) I would bet a quarter, (5) Im just optimistic.

[Edited to account for subsequent discussion apparently raising the possibility that the site really is unwholesome in some way. I havent looked.]
Donn, thanks for your interest and your input.
My daughter is visiting next week and I will bounce your comments off her. It is usually dangerous for me to get involved with this stuff. For me, the computer means Google, Ebay, the bank, and this plus my car forum. I am sure I have pressed the wrong button on more than one occasion but that keeps it fun.
Thanks again and ca canny,
Here you go for the doubters: This is what I get for after clicking on the link and instructing my AV to continue to the page:

"Rather the doubt rule will therefore final effects of increased dose of cialis effects of increased dose of cialis consideration of conventional medicine. Neurologic examination in front of his contentions to prevail brand viagra sale brand viagra sale upon the way can be elucidated. There can result of a total disability resulting in an bad credit rating payday loans bad credit rating payday loans endothelial disease was a bubble cavernosus reflex. See an odor to show the tulane brand viagra online sale brand viagra online sale university school of patients. Effective medications you are so we still levitra order levitra order frequently the idea of treatment. These medications intraurethral penile tumescence scanning technologies all cialis 20mg cialis 20mg the evaluation of overall health. By extending the medicine steidle impotence taking at payday loans payday loans hearing on not just have obesity. Dp dated in a february to which his cialis online cialis online disability rating and part strength. Asian j androl melman a condition shall cialis 10mg cialis 10mg be due the arteries. What this decision there is granting cialis 20mg cialis 20mg in las vegas dr. Order service occurrence or respond to a cialis coupon cialis coupon nexus between and impotence. Wallin counsel introduction into the treatment of sex with erection pay day loans review pay day loans review may arise such evidence was essential hypertension. Ed is a bypass this operation requires that all cialis 20mg cialis 20mg areas"

Further immediately on continuing to the site - BG blocked an infected file. Is this just happening on IE?
Hi Soulsaver.
You are a brave man for clicking on the link.
I normally highlight the paragraph then copy it to 'Google translate' to get their version of its contents. There are always a few words that explain the message but my English teachers would not have accepted this standard. Maybe I should have stayed on at school and taken my highers.
Ca canny
If you go back and read what the one person's issue was, it was a parental block, no mention of a virus or anything. Likely one of the ads that the website generates is an "over 18" or "adult" product, one that a parental block would be desired and generated to avoid having kids see this.

I had no issues accessing the site, it just does have a few ads (this is just a small pet peeve of mine). I never liked being sold something that I did not specifically look or ask for. None of my 20-some-odd websites that I own have any advertising. These things don't usually generate more than a few pennies a month of revenue, and the "annoyance factor" to me is worth more than that to not have to deal with. :)
boxplayer4000 said:
JerryPH: Good luck with your efforts to repair the Fintzi accordion.

You perhaps misunderstand... the Finzi is a donor instrument. I plan to use the bellows for the tuning table and the rest of it to practice and learn on. I have no desire to restore it at all.

The more serious efforts will be spent on the Elka, Hohner Morino and other instruments that I own... *after* I know what I am doing. :)
JerryPH said:
If you go back and read what the one persons issue was, it was a parental block, no mention of a virus or anything. Likely one of the ads that the website generates is an over 18 or adult product, one that a parental block would be desired and generated to avoid having kids see this.

I had no issues accessing the site, it just does have a few ads (this is just a small pet peeve of mine). I never liked being sold something that I did not specifically look or ask for. None of my 20-some-odd websites that I own have any advertising. These things dont usually generate more than a few pennies a month of revenue, and the annoyance factor to me is worth more than that to not have to deal with. :)
Thats nice Jerry, but..

If you go back and look a bit closer, youll maybe also see this before the parental block one..:
Soulsaver said:
For information, and maybe so you can check it out, Bullguard Antivirus blocked my access to it, indicating it to be a malicious website when I (just now) clicked on it.
The BG link includes a link to report unjustly blocked sites.

And what I posted isnt just an advert, its all there is on the link when I go there using IE. What browser are you using when you get no issues?
IE 11, Chrome and Opera. I have installed 3 fully functional anti-virus apps and 2 AD-blockers. Operating system is Windows Server 2012 and the same protection on 1 virtual PC that I use when playing with potentially challenging websites.
Soulsaver said:
Here you go for the doubters: This is what I get for after clicking on the link and instructing my AV to continue to the page:
Rather the doubt rule will therefore final effects of increased dose of cialis effects of increased dose of cialis consideration of conventional medicine. ...
The site may have been hacked by someone who inserted the hidden text.
If you look at the source of the page that hidden text can be seen. Its not just text, its also contains a bunch of links. This can be a way to abuse a seemingly innocent site to share links to not so innocent content. Im pretty sure the talkingreeds owner is not aware of the hack and when looking at the page you also dont see it.
When you do not have content filters the site should work and look normally. But obviously the owner should do something about the hack.
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