Mr Mark said:Ok, so further testing seems to indicate that it is a proximity issue, the mics get overloaded somewhere around 80 db (with the db meter about 12" away), however this is not always consistent in that it is much more of a problem with multiple reeds engaged (musette) than with single reeds engaged. I found that with my voice I was able to reproduce the issue on all four treble mics and bass in fact because the bass mics are far enough away from the reeds the issue doesn't present itself, however I also have in some cases over 10db of difference between notes depending upon how far away they are from the reeds.
I don't think I can get the treble mics far enough away. As a simple experiment I took thick wads of tissue paper and taped them over the mics to see if that would help and while it did somewhat there is no way I can play at remotely full volume.
I will see if I can find thicker material, and wait to hear back from the seller.
Really annoying to have these issues! hope you can get them fixed.
I don't have these problems so I'm guessing a faulty unit then? I have my capsules not a lot further than an inch from the deck, and can run my pots 100% without distortion, playing at full volume. Even when I point my capsules straight at the holes, it won't distort the way you have it.
good luck