In a general performance (like in a cocktail) you dont have to play every song once. People want to hear good music (you suit that with your experience). This is the same about busking too. You can change the order and mix the same songs. A listeners time frame is small while talking and drinking wine or in busking, coming, listening and go. A good song can always be repeated a lot of times back to back either (reprise). Repertoire can contain maybe 15-20 best selected songs. That will be enough with audience effective songs. For long periods, you select a speedy song then a slow one, helping yourself to rest.
i absolutely do not agree with your position
customers are not stupid, i would never assume their indifference,
and even for some impromptu session i would never repeat anything
unless it were a sincere request from someone in the audience..
of course i admit it is easier for me, since i could probably still play
1000 songs from memory.. my biggest challenge is remembering
the titles and key, not the songs.. so playing for a 3 day Italian Wedding
weekend in the Pocono's without a repeat is still fine with me..
(excepting, as i said, specific requests) piece of cake
dumbing a setlist and performance down just because
(you think) you can get away with it is not even remotely
acceptable in my book
doing ones absolute BEST every single time whether it is
a $500 gig or a freebie in a Nursing Home is the way we
rolled growing up and cutting our chops in Pittsburgh Pa.
in the 1960's and 70's