".... He's already publicly complained about the "stock" sounds of that accordion and stated that he can do better."
I feel like this still gets confused with Electric Accordions. The "Sounds" are referring to each Individual Sound. The "Do better" is referring to Sets / Scenes where you have created multiple sounds with accordion attached, maybe other things, and percussion, bass, chords on other instruments, etc. In my National Anthem Symphony patch I used to open the election, I think I have 12 different Instruments on it!
There are over 200 Sounds on the KORG, and All are of Dexibell and KORG Quality. They are Incredible. Just listen to any of my Jazz Guitar video, Vivaldi Violin video, and Chopin Piano video. They are unlike ANYTHING you can do on the Roland Accordion. Now in reference to the 120 Sets / Scenes that the factory gives you - Yes, some are Total Blah and make you go "What?!", but many are useful, and a few are Great. But again, these accordions are NOT made for buyers to Wait until Dale or I or Richard or Matthias make sets - They are made to go to YOU the Buyer and YOU make your OWN Sets / Scenes, WITH the 200 amazing sounds they give you.
It Is hard to create them, yes, so buying my sets or Richard's sets or Dale's sets will Certainly help you TRULY enjoy the KORG. But the point of the instrument, is for You to learn how to make some scenes, and create your own.