I said to my wife "If I could play a tenth as well as Cory I'd love to get my hands on one". (The truth is I probably play around a thousandth as well as you!)
Trust me, I'm not 1000 OR 100 times better haha. Jacob Collier or Natalie Tannenbam might be.
Cory - Is there an option to turn the illumination on the buttons OFF?
Yes! You can click any 3 register buttons at the same time, and the lights go off; yet everything continues to work as it should. But looks WAY better.
Hi Cory,
I have a question about the heart of the instrument emulation - the bellows!
Because the bellows are Such a personal preference, I'll explain it this way - The 7X to me was 95% of the way to being a Real Feeling Accordion. The 8X was 99%. This is 99.5%.
Home of John McGuiness. Who has a couple wins to his name at a certain motorbike race.
John is from there?! That's Awesome! He's SUCH a Legend. All TT guys are of course, regardless if they win or win a Ton like him.
After reading the owner's manual and seeing some of the videos and recent comments about the FISA, It seems to me, the FISA is a "Cut Above" the 8X.
Of Course! You think KORG would have taken years and Dexibell years and years, and NOT made it a Full Cut Above?

Yes, there are things people will like on the 8X/Evo more than this, JUST like I like not just a Few things, but about 90% of things on the 7X BETTER than the 8X/Evo even though it's 5 years older technology.
I'm withholding judgement until I've heard the bagpipe sounds. Everyone's keeping schtum on that front... I wonder why.
There are No Bagpipes haha. Don't Worry. They must have heard that Everyone Hated the Bagpipes. Though, they should have been on it regardless. it's not like a patch takes up any memory.