Morne said:
Sorry, let me rephrase that: Was that brochure meant to be distributed in Canada? Or was that a general English brochure for any Hohner distributor?
As for the date, it makes sense. I just wanted to double check, because Ive started to form the the opinion that with Hohner numbers dont always mean what you think they do

The spec does mention 7 registers, but that mightve been what was used at the time. I suspect the VII N photos Ive seen before might be older if it has more of the slide registers.
That is the brochure sent to me from Hohner Trossingen upon request. The Canadian brochure (from the Hohner Canada main office on Leslie street Toronto, Ontario back in the 70s), was shades of blue white and black and a lot more comprehensive, including things like Hohner amplifiers.
Interesting choice of setting up the bass... the Morino VI N has one long multi-handled 2-position slider and one short on-off switch to mix and match along with the 3 bass registers. The Morino VII N (and its clearly labeled as such) has the 7 bass registers and no sliders by the palm of the left hand. They both have the chin button master switch and identical front grill. This is why Hohner likely did not make a special pic for the VII N in this brochure, they looked almost the same and the specs were placed in the Morino section.
The ineteresting thing is that I have my dads pen markings on the VII N as being - $500 or $500 less. He was likely on the phone at the time with Hohner Germany but there is no way to be certain he didnt place the writing on the right spot. Just one of lifes little mysteries.[/quote]
<FONT font=Arial> AntonioB: “A Picture is worth a thousand Words”. I’m the proud owner of a HOHNER MORINO VIIN, see attached. I was very interested to see all the posts on this rather rare instrument, especially Jerry PH’s brochure (Page 14) and his mention of Bass Sliders (Page 16). You never know, there may be other configurations of the VIIN, but mine is as follows:
41 key (not 45), 4-voice straight tuned LMMH treble with 11 Couplers (No chin coupler), 2 Slide Couplers behind keyboard. 185 Bass (127 Stradella plus 58 Chromatic), 3 Bass Couplers (not 7), and 2 Slide Couplers. I’m not a fan of the bass slide couplers as they dig into your wrist. I like the narrower treble black keys because it enables me to play with my hand further in amongst the black notes.
Thanks to Adam-T for first mentioning the VIIN and Debra, Morne, Jerry PH, and Soulsaver for all their posts. Although I love my VIIN, if it’s of special interest to an Accordion collection, I am open to offers.