Different words for basically the same thing.● The use of “Scenes” on the Fisa instead of “Sets & “UPG’s” on the 8X. I always made my changes to “UPG’s”.
I never figured out “Sets”
● Doing a memory backup. With the 8X, you have to backup both the “Sets” and the “UPG’s”.
With the Fisa, there is one command -> “Export Backup”
● The 8X backup files always had the same name. FR_8X_SET_ALL.FR8 for “Sets” and UPG_ALL.UPA for “UPG’s”.
I kept each backup in a separate folder with a name and dated it. The 8X date for all file backups was 1/1/2013.
The Fisa allows for an independent name for each backup.
There are other improvements for the Fisa on screen editor VS. the 8X on screen editor.
Sets should be considered different accordions (even though some had orchestral ornamentations). UPGs are collections of instruments. In the end, for me they are interchangeable... just MORE slots to place customized sounds in, just identified differently. 1400 registrations for sets and 1400 registrations for UPGs.
I can export sets and UPGs both separately or together. I prefer to do it all at once in one file... the .UPA file because that is the only file that saves system changes in the same location like showing my name in the window at startup or any special bellows settings, etc...
The date thing... only a minor annoyance. I place my backups in folders that are dated anyways (ie: 2024-12-13 - FR-8X Backups). You CAN change the name to anything you want in the menuing system... or change it afterwards like I do. The timestamp is a minor annoyance but is no hinderance to identifying it, and if you know how, can change it if it really bothers you.

When I first got my 8X, SETS, UPG, and so on were all foreign to me, we all figure it out and then get comfy with it. Korg calls them scenes. They could be called a Murder of Crows for all the importance a word is... it's just a way to identify a collection of some kind and once a person is used to it, its not as intimidating anymore.
Every manufacturer has their way of calling "things". Everyone wants to be unique and special, I just take it as it was meant and work around things be it UPG or SCENE... its all good!